Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Horror Stories from the World of the Zoom Class

Because of the current world situation with COVID-19, everyone is educating/working from home and having to communicate via Zoom, whether it be Zoom meetings or classrooms. Presenting to you now are 15 stories of parents and kids and their continuing battle, with laughs of course, with the Zoom program

Reading some of these, you have to be either frightened or impressed with how smart some of these kids are. And it's hilarious seeing what these kids come up. You have to feel sympathy for the parents; they're just trying to get through this COVID-19 time just like the kids.

1. I'm the teacher now

-This is from a Twitter user named Erin Pepler. Not preschool but in the spring, my son's grade two class meeting went on for 20 minutes without the teacher, who lost her wifi signal. My son suggested that everyone show their pets on camera, so they did. Near the end of the call, he said, "I'm the teacher now."

2. A use has finally been discovered for glitches-snack time!

-From a Twitter user named Vanessa Salazar. My second grader will unmute herself and say her computer is “glitching” so she has to restart it and will leave the meeting for a few minutes to get a snack. I still haven’t figured out if I’m proud of her or not.

3. Masks of all sorts

-From a Twitter user named Tootsie Spangles. I turned away for one second and..I don’t even know where he found this mask.

4. Technical Difficulties

-From a Twitter user named Keith Edwards. Zoom 2nd grade is fun. When my son gets bored he just closes the laptop and walks away. "Technical issues!" He yells.

5. TMI

-From a Twitter user named Natasha Khan Kazi. I don't think I truly appreciated how much my 4-yo overshares the intimate details of our private life with his classmates and teacher until now.

6. Don't Wanna Watch That Again

-From a Twitter user named Ashley.

7. When is lunch?

-From a Twitter user named Bex. My son is in 1st grade using Microsoft teams and I really enjoy the sudden outbursts from all the 7 year olds. My favorite so far has been:

Kid: “MRS.TEACHER NAME” Teacher: yes?? What’s wrong??! Kid: .....are u ok? Teacher: yes, are you? Kid: no... when is lunch?

8. Stealing the show

-From a Twitter user named Jeff Bean. A kid in my daughter’s class today changed his name to “Name (host)” and convinced the teacher he stole the host seat from her.

9. "Living Nightmare"

-From a Twitter user named Bad Wolf. My son called his first kindergarten zoom meeting a “living nightmare” while laying facedown on the floor...

10. Got a train to catch...

-From a Twitter user named Rupal Parekh. one kid in my daughter’s 1st grade class figured out how to change his background to an Amtrak and he’d yell in the middle of class “gotta go! my train is here!”

11. "Is this meeting over yet?"

-From a Twitter user named Alexis Diao. Zoom preschool is both hilarious and depressing. My 4 year old keeps unmuting himself and yelling 'I DON'T KNOW YOUR NAME! IS THIS MEETING OVER YET?'

12. When the chat function has to be disabled

-From a Ukranian Twitter user named Karine. The only reason I know she is Ukranian is because of the blue and gold flag. My 7 year old’s teacher had to disable the chat function because the kids kept typing poop.

13. The camera is off

-From a Twitter user named ParlerToddler.

14. Sofa Surfing

-From a Twitter user named Sarah. For kindergarten we had one kid hanging upside down off the sofa, in her pjs, every day for a week.

15. Halloween is early this year

-From a Twitter user named Anna Bo. We had a kid who did the entire meeting with a Halloween trick-or-treat bucket on his head.

16. A sudden breakage of wind

-From a Twitter user named Beth Power. My 3-YO granddaughter was quiet & attentive in the first meeting before suddenly yelling FART!

17. Meeting, meeting, meeting

-From a Twitter user named F.A. Foster.

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