Friday, February 24, 2023

Having a Chuckle at Passive Aggressive Behavior

The dictionary definition of this is "behavior characterized by indirect resistance to demands of others and avoidance of direct confrontation"

Here are some examples of people using passive aggressive techniques in their everyday lives. At least people are having fun and getting a chuckle, a giggle, a snicker or even a full blown laugh out of it. As long as it's not violent or graphic, people will poke fun at people being so serious.

A common office problem...

-Printing things in an office can be like waiting for a bus. Especially if you and other departments are sharing printers. This sounds like my office. I often find myself waiting for people to finish printing their 7000-8000 page jobs and of course, they overheat the printer, thus melting everything on it.

Petals can say so many things...

Mug Shots at Work

-All who work usually bring their own dishes to work. But how many remember to clean up afterwards or not touch another person's belongings?

Passive Painting

-Some people are bothered by an unpainted fence and make it their mission to alert their neighbors to the fence that is sans paint

Literal vs. Figurative

-Sometimes offices have those disgusting people who think it's totally okay to just use the bathroom and not flush. First things first: that's disgusting. If you had a bowel movement, no one wants to see that or flush it. Or if you're a woman still young enough to experience the monthlies, no one definitely wants to see that either

The Rule of Thumb...Tack

-Every office seems to have that one little rule following brownie hound who makes sure that everyone is following the rules. And sometimes that extends to thumb tacks in walls. Most office cubicles have those somewhat soft padded walls that you can thumb tack images on. And these coworkers decided to be creative in getting their message across

Definition of Dating

-Clearly this office has food cans that often have to be dated. This person decided humor was the best way to go

"Ave Maria" to the rescue!

-In the high intensity world of programming and information technology (IT), it's just two people-you and the computer you're working on. But, even the tiniest, most minute distraction can lead to a cacophony of emotions and even a breakdown. Instead of telling those who enter to shut their piehole and be mean or grumpy, they get creative

Acting like a child via WiFi

-Anyone with WiFi knows that you often have to name your network something and make sure the security is top notch to avoid piggybackers, who will slow down your network because they want free WiFi. Most of the WiFi networks in the neighborhood I live in have a name related to something. Like the flower nursery across the street has WiFi under the name Robben because the name of the nursery is Robben (pronounced roben) Nursery. Or the big church up the street has WiFi named after the church-St. Dominic. Or this little convenience store up the street from me has WiFi titled New Delhi because the owners are Indian and want a tribute to their home country (they're really nice, trust me. I love going in there because they are so sweet and they always have that really upbeat Bollywood music playing).

-Of course, the two involved with this major prank are having fun, it seems. Ahhh, the fun of naming your WiFi networks

Fighting Font Fires with Font Fires

-For those not familiar with the word font, this is a typesetting term referring to the style in which something is written. Instead of pulling the culprit responsible for the sign aside, it was decided to fight fire with fire. They made their own sign, fighting with the all capital letters Comic Sans sign, and proclaiming this font is more appropriate for children selling lemonade

"Concerned" Neighbors

-Every office has that nosy busy body who thinks everyone needs to work as hard as them or that they need to be so serious at work. Instead of popping over the cubicle wall or going around to the other side, this cube farm employee decided to let their coworker know that the hysterical laughing was of concern

The Ketchup Culprit Strikes Back!

-Every office building usually has the same rule-all food not consumed during that business week will be tossed out on Friday, which is usually garbage day for a lot of places. My building included. But, to add on to this, my building also has a sign on the refrigerator in the lunchroom on the third floor saying to avoid food with lingering smells because it can often waft its way down to the surgery center on the first floor. And, of course, there is always that group of people that just have to eat something that smells repulsive. Let me fill you in on this to explain any confusion. I work for a local eye care company called Cincinnati Eye Institute. The building I work in also has a surgery center attached to it on the first floor. And there are doctors and staff members for those doctors and techs running all over the place. It sometimes looks like a busy hospital in the exam lanes where patients are examined

Laziness is not a disability

-People think being lazy or even obese is a disability. No it's not. Most if not all businesses have a large toilet stall for those who are handicapped. And these stalls also have a changing table for babies. You never know when someone is going to pop in and need that stall. So it's best just to leave it empty. If you are too lazy to use a regular stall or the bathroom is full, simply find another stall or bathroom. Leave the handicapped stall open for those who actually need it, such as wheelchair-bound people or if it has a changing table, a mother with her child. The use of a handicapped bathroom by a non-handicapped person is a SEVERE problem in my building

Symbols can say so much...

The Dog Poo Patrol

-Everyone who has a dog will usually clean up after their dog. Not every dog owner does. Some dog owners let their dog do their business and go on. And if you don't see it right at first, you step in that and end up tracking it into your home. This homeowning couple have taken matters into their own hands by putting up a sign saying that if you don't clean up after your dog, their grandson will go on your lawn

Visual Learning

-Everyone learns differently. Some need a little help when it comes to learning...

No TP? Let the insanity commence...

-No one likes a porch pirate. For those unfamiliar with this term, it's coined to a person who will steal packages off of people's porches. These idiots don't even realize that a good majority of homes are now equipped with doorbell cameras and security cameras. But do you think that stops them? NEVER! Especially in cases like this, where toilet paper is stolen

Making Passive Aggressive a Parental Tool

-Parents are masters of almost everything. They can out think a child, silence a child with a word or a look and defeat any argument that child could think of. They also know how to guilt trip their kids into calling more often

Work Place or Work Palace?

-It's common decency. You make a mess, you clean it up. But some people take this to the extremes. They think their place of employment is their own little fiefdom. Where people have to clean up AFTER THEM. They don't take into consideration that someone does have to clean up after them. They act like their job is not their home, so they can do what they please, with out thinking about the consequences.

Saying No Onions, literally

-It's almost a given that at some restaurants, when you order something specific, odds are high someone in the kitchen will not listen. Instead of doing what most normal people would do and simply let the staff know this is not what you ordered, this person decided to be a doorknob and be sarcastic about it. I mean, how much effort does it take to simply let the staff know no onion? Clearly, too much effort for this person

Emotions on Cake

-Everyone loves cake. But some people prefer a certain size or a certain piece. It's the first time in history someone wants the center of a round cake

A new way of getting the message across about dishes

-Bad kitchen habits seem to follow a lot of people from home into the work place. You often find yourself wondering "If they do that at the office, do they do that in their own home?" It usually only takes one or two bad habits to create a massive disturbance in the office

Daves 4 Life

-If it's one thing that is more annoying that someone stealing food from you at work, it's someone stealing drinks from you too. It could have your name tattooed all over it and some doofus who can't read will take your food or drink out and consume it. But, if you have multiple people in the office with the same name, clarify they belong to you with your first and last name. In this case, a guy named Dave is annoyed that his precious Lipton Green Tea keeps disappearing. He finally resorted to blue tape reading "IS YOUR NAME DAVE?" There are multiple Daves in his office and one decided to be funny and take advantage of this momentary lapse of reasoning

Amazing has a new meaning added-annoying!

-For some people, it takes years and years to master the fine art of sarcasm. With others, it's a gift they were born with. The "Envious Neighbor" got right to the point about how truly loud and ridiculous their neighbor's car surround sound stereo system is

Suggestive Placement

-This office worker clearly didn't pay attention to where they put their bananas. It was under a "Please eat me, I'm delicious" note. This invites all manner of suggestive thoughts that would have Beavis & Butthead snickering up a storm

Font Shaming

-Sometimes using funny looking fonts just makes life more fun. But of course, there are those grammar and font freaks out there that state this is not to be done

Food Labelling Gone Wrong at Work

-The one downside about a shared fridge in the office is that, unfortunately, there is always going to be those one or two idiots that can't seem to read and eat the wrong person's food, despite their name not being on it. And when this happens, it's highly frustrating

Poetry Gone Passive

-Poetry can say all sorts of things. Poetry can have all sorts of meanings or interpretations. This one sounds as though the Devil himself conjured it

A Literal Larry Changing into a Philosophical Phil

A Burn from God

-One thing you don't do is mess with religion. If you can joke around and use religion in a hilarious, non-offensive way, it becomes hysterical. As long as the joking is tasteful and non-offensive, it can be funny. The sign said "Jesus is watching you...steal diet cokes." Someone decided to pull in John 7:37 on this and add that "Jesus stood and said in a loud voice 'If anyone is thirst, let him come to me and drink.'"

Pen Moochers in the Office

-We all have those "office pen borrowers" who usually borrow pens from someone and don't return them. When your favorite pen goes missing, it's devastating. Heartbreaking. But, in order to get this pen back, someone is holding it for ransom. It might be spooky looking at this, but at least it's creative

A Positively Disgusting Way to Say the Deed Has Been Done

-Anyone who has lived with roommates will tell you that it's a mystery how they're going to be. You might get the slob who makes messes and doesn't clean up. You might get the late rent person who forgets to pay their share of the rent. You might get the pig who eats all of the food. This roommate decided to let their roommate know they unclogged the drain in the most disgusting of ways

When Sarcastic Sam Goes Passive

-As we all know, sarcasm is a fine art which can be mastered over time and used when necessary. It's a fine art honed over years and years. Clearly the office this sign came from is filled to the brim with Sarcastic Sams and Sarcastic Stephanies, Samanthas or whatever other female name you want that starts with S.

Time to Get Crafty & Creative

-Taking food that does not belong to you from a shared refrigerator is not only a no-no, but one of the biggest worries in an office who uses a shared refrigerator. Forget putting your name on your stuff. If you think that is going to stop some dumbbell from taking it, you're sorely mistaken. Instead of owning up and admitting to taking one of their coworker's Red Bull energy drinks, they made a paper copy of it in the hopes the coworker wouldn't notice. The least that person could do is color it. Make it look like the real thing.

Indirect Contact is Best for Awkward Situations

-The worst thing that can happen is when you get frosted windows installed in your bathroom wrong. Now the whole neighborhood can see you and your personal business in your bathroom. So imagine your horror when this note arrives at your house via mail

Killing with Kindness

-You've heard of the old adage "Kill them with Kindness"? Someone wants something done about the jungle of dandelions in their neighbor's yard. Even going as far as to add please in all caps and three exclamation (!!!) points

One good way to annoy the neighbors

-If you're living in a shared living space, such as an apartment complex or condo complex, odds are high there is going to be at least one unit with a child or two. It's normal to leave out their massive toy cars so they can play. Some people get a little uptight about possessions being left out. See how this family in Unit 1 got creative

Drama with the Downstairs Neighbors

-Apartment living is always interesting. You never know what kind of people are surrounding you. You can have people smoking marijuana all day and night and even smell it in your apartment. You can have the guy blasting his stereo like he's at a metal concert. It's always something, isn't it? Clearly this neighbor is giving a glaringly obvious heads up to anyone who moves in that the upstairs neighbor has Flintstone flip flops on

Ashtray Blues

-We all know that people smoke. If it helps them at the end of a long day or through a stressful moment, that's fine. But, at least clean up the used cigarette butts. Don't leave them all over the ground. People do have to clean that stuff up. This person decided to get creative in leaving a message for any smokers who leave their used butts on the ground

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