Thursday, July 20, 2023

Memes that make Gen Y feel old pt. II

I'm in my 30s and already I feel old when I look at the youth of today. I honestly can't relate to the younger people of today or even people my own age. Here are some hilarious memes that put a little comedy in to not being able to relate to the youth of today

34. It's the little things

-Sometimes the little things bring about the most joy. Over time, your priorities change as you age. When you're a kid, you're priorities were eating candy until you puked, running a bike over a ramp and thinking you're Evel Knievel or staying up until 9pm. When you get to be an adult, your biggest priority is paying bills. As you age, your priorities change

-I don't do online grocery orders. I get out on the two legs God gave me and do it myself. I'm very particular about what I buy. If it's on sale, woohoo!! I like certain items for lunch, certain types of fruit, etc. I like going to the store myself because I get in and out. It's like a military rescue mission-get in and out as quick as possible. I'm glad that online grocery ordering exists for those not able to make the trip themselves, but others use it just to be lazy.

35. Priorities change...

-It's true. Priorities change as you get older and so do customs like cursive handwriting. A lot of schools now are cutting out lessons in cursive. I think it's ridiculous to do that; how are the next generations going to learn how to sign their name? When you see something that says "Signature", that means cursive. Baby boomers and millennials value different things. Baby boomers value cursive writing, money being something that can disappear at any moment and their items they've bought, making sure they last a long time. Millennials can learn these values as well and pass them on to the next generation


-I still do cursive. I'm thankful for it too. I hated learning it when I was a kid, but I'm now thankful I learned it. In a hurry, it's kind of messy, but when I take my time, it's beautiful. And for those who think cursive is irrelevant, I got a tip for you. Cursive is relevant because when you see something that says "Signature", that don't mean print. If it meant print your name, it would say so. "Signature" means cursive!! And at the risk of sounding like my parents, I firmly believe that home ec classes should be teaching practical skills, like how to apply for a mortgage or rental agreement if you want an apartment, how to balance a check book, how to buy a car and finance it, how to apply for / pay a credit card, how to pay a mortgage payment or pay property taxes, how to make a grocery list, how to budget your money and other life skills. It's common sense that if you have unprotected sex, you're going to get either an STD, an STI or pregnant.

36. An artifact for the museum

-Cell phones have come incredibly far in their campaign to allow people to reach other people. Initially, they were gigantic. Now, they are razor thin, have high definition graphics and can allow internet access. Back in the day, you needed different devices to check your email, surf the internet, watch TV and more.

My mom had an alarm clock just like this!

-I have a smart phone, but the only thing I usually use it for it incoming / outgoing calls and texts. I'll occasionally use the internet to check my email, but it's because I logged into my work Wi-Fi and am using their Wi-Fi, as I'm sure half the staff does. My sister, on the other hand, uses her phone for EVERYTHING! She does her banking on her phone. She buys things on the internet on her phone. EVERYTHING!

37. Back in the day...

-It's almost natural for older people to look around and marvel at how much things have changed since they were growing up. They would say that that store used to be an auto parts store but now it's a dollar store. Or how that large field used to be a baseball field, now it's luxury condominiums.

-I find myself doing the same thing. I grew up in a small town in Northern Kentucky called Bellevue. I find myself looking at the parking lot for the local grocery store, Krogers, and seeing it dip in some spots. That's because that used to be a baseball field that was filled with fill dirt and blacktopped over. The car wash next door is now a Taco Bell. A local florist shop nearby is now a computer repair store.

38. Living the Dream

-This is something that I'm sure everyone wants. Back in the day, it was the men who went to work to earn a salary and women stayed home and took care of the house and kids and made sure there was a hot meal on the table for the family. But, as the feminist movement became stronger, women started demanding more. Being allowed to work and earn money, etc. Things have changed over the years and both genders have a lot more choices and freedoms, although there are a lot of places where women are still not being paid equally as men; they're still getting less money for doing the same job as men.

-I have gotten asked that in every job interview I've attended. My answer is simple; to be employed so I can earn a living. My answer to that question is still the same; to be gainfully employed so I can earn money to pay bills and go do stuff.

39. High as a kite

-When it comes to anxiety, depression and other mood disorders, it's a various array of options causing it. Spouses / boyfriends or girlfriends, work, money, etc. Younger people are feeling the blue moods more than anyone because they feel lonely, unfulfilled or other reasons.

-I'm sometimes get into a down mood when I think about how my life is going so far. I get sad, thinking "I have done nothing with my life so far, and I'm 32, about to be 33 this year." I get sad that I lost my passion for nursing and wish I could get back the passion I had to be either an obstetrician or oncologist. But, I have to tell myself that if I wanted to become a nurse, I should have not let my biological father tell me to avoid it, that I was not going to do it. I should have pursued it to not only follow my passion, but to prove a point, that I could do it despite what he said. But I didn't want to anger him, so I lost my passion and believed what he said. To this day, I still have times when I wish I could change my past. But then, I think of the Iron Maiden song "Wasted Years": "Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years". When I'm driving and I have those thoughts, I just turn up my hard rock or metal music and force myself to get through those blue moods

40. Next question

-Some millennials seem to be obsessed with food. They will go out to different restaurants and take pictures of it before eating it and go on social media about it. These millennials who this are called foodies. Back in the day, people only ate because they were hungry. But now, because of the advent of being a foodie, eating out / ordering takeout has now become a social media hobby.

-Yup. We need food to live. I need to eat because if I don't, I get those irritating hunger headaches, where your head hurts because you have no food in you

41. 6th period class with a sub teacher

-For starters, anyone who had to switch rooms for classes knows 6th period is the best. Once that class is over, you're free!! It's even better with a substitute teacher, because sometimes if you're good enough in class or your class is good enough, they'll allow you to work on your homework, ensuring you have less to do at home and, if' it's on a Friday, a weekend with no homework! It's a battle ground between older generations and younger generations. Older generations, not every single member of those generations, but a good handful, think they're right about everything. Younger generations think the older generations treat everything as a trash dump or ashtray.

-I make sure I respect the planet. It's the only one with coffee, cows, chipmunks, gorillas and orangutans.

42. Leisure is different in everyone's eyes

-Back then, nine to five used to be standard working hours. Things have changed. People are working a lot more hours these days and everyone's idea of a vacation is radically different.

-I can relate to the millennial image. When I worked at Fifth Third, in the Cash Vault, I was averaging more than 40 hours a week. I was averaging about 60-70 hours a week, 12-14 hour shifts each day. I was only supposed to work 8 hours a day, but things never got done that way. I was getting single shift pay for double shift work. I quit there because my health was taking a massive toll, between basically starving because I couldn't eat lunch and getting massive varicose veins, I had to quit before I had a nervous breakdown

43. What year is it?

-Confusion, denial and more is a common sign as you age when it comes to finding out what year it is. The concept of time is a strange thing. When you think something was recent, it actually ends up being years ago

-When you read something regarding a previous generation, you usually think 1800s. When you read 1900s, the generation a lot of us were born in, it's a sure fire eye opener. I still look at calendars just to find out what day, month and year it is. And every new year, I still find myself putting the last year on things for the first few days

44. Now that is smart

-When you can combine old school technology with new school technology, hands down, high level genius there. People assume that older generations know nothing of technology. Wrong! When it comes to cell phones, some like to think that new phones are the best and that old phones will never work. Using an old school cell phone will run hot, making you sweaty. It's heavy and will hurt your arm and making a call was like trying to diffuse a bomb-it's hard.

-If old handsets can merge successfully with new phones, go for it. If it makes things easier, go for it. Combine the old school with the new school. The guy above is a genius!

45. It's time

-Millennials have become attached to certain items, even though they have no value to that person. There are some things that should be saved, salvaged or treasured, other items can be recycled.

-I only keep the box my phone came in because my old phone is in it and I'm trying to find a place to recycle my old phone. I don't have time when I get home from work to do research about where to recycle old cell phones. So I guess I'm guilty as charged

46. Thank you for being a(n old) friend...

-If you're familiar with the theme from The Golden Girls, then you'll know this is part of the theme. This show is still incredibly popular and is now finding fans in younger generations who chuckle at the suggestive humor from some of the ladies. Even though the show ran from 1985-1992, it's still massively popular

-I love watching The Golden Girls because it's funny. My favorite was Estelle Getty, who played Sophie Petrillo. She was this little old Sicilian lady who always talked about the men in her village. And she always started off a sentence with "Picture this. Sicily. 1912".

47. Not funny

-Everyone has that realization at one point or another that they are not as young as they used to be. It's not always a depressing thought that you are not as young, beautiful or fun as you used to be. You still have life in you to be beautiful and fun.

-For those who don't know, Sophia Grace is a singer.

48. Past your prime

-When you're young, you have your whole life ahead of you. As you age, you can come to terms with the idea that you are no longer the spring chicken you once were. You notice new aches and pains you never had before. While you admit that you are no longer young, you also tell yourself, which is true, that you still have great years waiting, that some people didn't reach their full potential until years later. And then someone has to puncture that beautiful thought with a dose of reality

-Or if you're into Formula One, here's a mind blower. The youngest driver is Yuki Tsunoda, who is 21. Or George Russell, who is 25. Suddenly, I realize, with horror, that I'm older than these drivers

49. The funny things you do

-Anymore, people go on TikTok, Facebook Live and other platforms just to make videos about anything, whether it be just to give helpful hints, do standup comedy or more. Back in the day, you had to hope you had a video recorder at the ready in case something funny happened and mail it into something like America's Funniest Home Videos or something. A note on that show; I think some of those videos are staged. Nothing funny just occurs and someone just so happens to have a video recorder at the ready.

-If I knew then what I knew now, I would have been in the room when my family was talking about beneficiaries. My sister was eating soup at the time, since it was during winter, and I was out of the room, and my stepdad said "Well if we get a pet fish....". My sister spit soup out across the table, almost spraying my stepdad with chicken soup. Him, my sister and mom were laughing so hard they were all red in the face. And the conversation simply started because I had made my sister my beneficiary at US Bank, where I was working at the time

50. Bueller? Bueller?

-Anyone who has seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off knows this phrase. It's his history teacher doing roll call and calling "Bueller, Bueller" in a monotone voice. He then moves on to the name "Fry, Fry", referring to actor Alan Ruck's character Cameron Fry, who is in bed sick with a cold. The 1980s were where it was at when it comes to movies. Not like today, where it's all sex, violence, gore and drama.

-I'm glad I know of generations before the 1980s. My home ec teacher kept referencing the song "Can't Buy Me Love" by The Beatles to teach us that money can't buy happiness

51. Sudden beauty

-When you're young, you don't think about things being beautiful. As you age, your priorities change. When you become an adult, suddenly something as simple as a dish organizer becomes the greatest invention in the world. When your parents start talking about doing home renovations, such as shelves in the garage and replacing the furnace, it sounds boring. But sometimes, there is beauty in the small, mundane things of life

-Where is this at in my life? I'm tired of drying water on the counter every time I wash glasses and cups! Plus, I'm always leary of using the drainer to put straws and utensils in because I'm constantly worried about mold and mildew getting onto utensils, which we put in our mouth and straws, which also go into our mouth

52. Jumping for joy with phones

-Smart phones were not necessarily the first phones to allow internet access. Flip phones could manage access to internet, but their capabilities only went so far. First cell phones usually had limited abilities, such as primitive texting, where you had to filter through the alphabet to find letters and the screen was so small only mice could interpret texts. Or the phones were so small you'd lose them in a bag

-My first phone was a pay as you go phone from a company called Tracphone. I had to buy minute cards and load them on just to talk. And even then, I still used landlines when I could. I had no problem using my cell phone, but I'm old school and still used land lines. They were faster and I could reach people that I knew didn't have cell phones

53. Golden oldies

-When it comes to old music, Elvis Presley, The Beach Boys, Simon & Garfunkel, The Supremes fall into those categories. These old music stations really need to re-evaluate what they consider "oldies". Playing 80s metal bands like Metallica? They are not what I consider "oldies". What I consider "oldies" are from the 1970s, 1960s and older than that

-But seriously? Playing new music on the oldies station? I laugh when I hear Metallica getting played on the old classic rock station in Cincinnati, WFOX, 92.5 The Fox. I laugh and then change the station because whatever Metallica song it is, I've heard a thousand times before on WEBN, 102.7, which is a hard rock / metal station or on 96.5 96 ROCK, which is another hard rock / metal station. Luckily, WEBN and 96 ROCK also play old school metal, but you have to hope it's one you have never heard on radio a thousand times prior. I was lucky enough to hear "The Prisoner" and "The Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden one morning prior to them playing in Cincinnati back in 2019. I guess 96 ROCK was getting people amped up for the big Maiden concert at Riverbend Music Center

54. Signed, Sealed, Delivered

-If you're familiar with a song that has those words in its title, I'm sure the next words to pop into your head are "I'm yours.". In the days when streaming service Netflix had a mail order service, you could order DVDS or seasons of TV and watch them when they arrived. They were trying to compete with Blockbuster, where you could rent seasons of shows, movies, video games and more and RedBox, a service allowing you to rent only movies from a kiosk and then insert the movie back into the machine to return it when done.

-Everyone streams nowadays. There's Disney +, which has all this stuff on it, too much to name. Then there's Netflix, which has increased security to the point where you are not allowed to give your account password to friends (first things first, I would say who is stupid enough to do that, but there are people who fit that bill), Hulu, Roku, the Amazon Firestick (provided your TV is high tech and advanced enough to allow that). I like just basic cable. If I want to watch a TV series that is not normally on TV, that's when I turn to Amazon Kindle. Amazon Prime allows you to watch TV shows, with commercials every now and again. And if the videos are not available, you can't watch them. And that's when the almighty YouTube comes in. You can watch TV episodes on YouTube as well (believe me, I've done that with Law & Order UK). Right now, I'm on season (series) 4 of Top Gear UK.

55. Burn baby burn

-If you're familiar with the old disco song "Disco Inferno", then you might find yourself saying "Disco Inferno" after seeing these words. Technology advances and some people pick up new technology in no time while others are baffled by it. Not all young people are tech savvy while not all older people are baffled by it. There are older people who pick up technology instantly while there are some young people baffled by technology.

-I know how to burn CDs and I'm a millennial, technically. Windows Media Player. Put in a blank CD and when the program reflected a blank CD, highlight all of the songs you want on it, pull them over to a queue on the right hand side and click "Burn to CD". Then go into Microsoft Word and make a list of the songs that are on the CD to print and put on the back of the CD case. Just so you know what's on them. On the front, type a name of what you want to call the CD and print it out and put it on the front so you know what CD it is.

56. Kid at heart

-People born in the 1990s are referred to as Millennials (like yours truly, who was born in 1990). It's about more than being born in a certain year. 1990s kids grew up watching certain TV shows, listened to certain music, watched certain TV shows and played certain games. There's just a uniqueness to the 1990s that's hard to explain to anyone who has not experienced them

-All of us 90s kids are 30+ year old men and women. Some of us know we're from the 1990s and act like adults, taking on responsibilities such as paying bills and working. And then there are some 90s kids who think they're still in high school and pull such antics as you would in high school

57. Hair trends

-Everyone had a certain style they wore their hair in that they became known for. Some girls wore their hair in a ponytail. Some girls wore their hair in this slight ponytail style where only a little was up and the rest was down. Some guys wore a middle part and some guys even favored long hair if they were going for a rock star look. Each generation had its own fashion trends. One generation had long hair for men as highly popular while another generation said short hair for women was all the rage

-A perfect indicator of your age is by looking at your high school yearbook photo and seeing what hairstyle you adopted. Mine was hair up in a clip behind my head for the day of the yearbook photo. Other than that, it was all ponytail

58. Set in the past

-Dawson's Creek was one of those 1990s shows that mostly everyone watched. It was a drama show aimed towards teens in the late 1990s, early 2000s and followed the lives and relationships of a group of friends since high school and into college. It was not set in the past; it was filmed as the current times were at that time-1998-2003

-I never watched the show as a teen. I remember being a kid and teen watching shows my parents watched, like Are You Being Served? Keeping Up AppearancesRed DwarfPrimeval, etc.

59. No one asked for your opinion

-"1979" is a song by The Smashing Pumpkins, a popular American rock band. The song centers around the coming-of-age story of vocalist Billy Corgan. Despite being written in 1996, it looks back on when Corgan was a teen. There's something unique about 1979-it's the last year of the 1970s and a year that just seems to be so romantic.

-The only thing I know about 1979 is that the Down to Earth album by Rainbow, one of my favorite bands, came out

60. Definitely not loving it

-It seems in the last few years people have finally realized what smoking can do to your body and what the effects are of second hand smoke. Back then, however, no one seemed to know (or care about) the effects of smoking and effects of second hand smoke.

-I could never smoke; I think it's a nasty habit. All you're doing is putting chemicals into your body that could kill you. I look at it like this. Yes, I think it's a nasty habit. No, I'm not going to tell every smoker I see that they should quit. I feel like if they want to smoke, it's their life, let them be. I'm not telling them how to live. Plus, I lived with my dad, who smoked, for the first 19 years of my life. Second hand smoke is what gave me asthma. I had my first asthma attack when I was 16 and I didn't even realize it was asthma until I went to my primary care physician, who told me to go to the hospital for a second opinion

61. Wrong Rainbow

-Wearing a band shirt is always fun. You get people asking if you like the band or know who that band is. It's a mixed bag of results, sometimes. It shows you have your own taste in music and don't follow the same music trends as others and you are happy when someone else kindly compliments it. But, if no one gets the reference on it, why wear it?

-I wear band shirts. I love showing the world who I support in the music world. I do wish these shirts could come in a color other than black. It's hotter than blazes during the summer if I want to don a rock or metal shirt. One of pet peeves is when people wear a shirt for a band and they don't listen to the band. They are only wearing the shirt because they think it looks cool. Luckily, a lot of younger people who wear old band shirts are genuine fans of the band; they are discovering these old rock and metal acts and rocking their shirts.

62. I'll Be There for You

-This is the theme song to the TV show Friends. Those who watch the show remember in the fourth season when ditzy blonde Phoebe got pregnant because she was acting as a surrogate for her brother and his wife. That story line was not just a storyline. Lisa Kudrow was actually pregnant at the time and producers wrote it into the show to make it easier for her.

-I've never understood the fascination with the show Friends. I've tried to watch it; I've just never found it funny.

63. On tap

-Normally when you hear these words, it refers to an alcohol at a bar. This relates to texting. Back in the day, texting was a different monstrosity than the simple work it is today. Some phones you had to keep hitting buttons to filter through the alphabet to make a message and that could take 10+ minutes. There was instead multi-tap texting

-While my first phone was not a flip phone, it did have that lovely capability called multi tap texting. My next phone had that same ability. I can honestly relate to this image. I had to tap through the alphabet each time on each button to form a message. And it definitely took close to 10 minutes to form a message. My phone now is a smart phone and it takes no time at all for messages to be created.

64. I pledge allegiance to the band

-School of Rock is one of those movies that is said has to be watched by anyone who loves old, classic rock bands. Jack Black becomes the music teacher at a school and teaches these kids about the greats of old rock-Purple, Zeppelin, Sabbath and more. It's said to be one of the better movies to come out in the last few years. The other unique thing about this movie is that two of the students, Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massagli, are now a couple

-I've never seen this movie. People I know on Facebook say I should see it because I listen to a lot of the bands referenced in the film and they know I listen to those bands. They think I would love it. I'm going to have to watch it; it does look like a good movie

65. Give me a call

-Unlimited talk / text is so common now we don't even think about it. Back in the day, however, talk and text cost $$$. You had a limited supply of talking minutes and texting that, if you went over, you paid big time. Luckily, most phone plans had loopholes that they had in place to help customers, such as talking at night, when rates were cheaper

-I found out how this happens. It was not me who did this, but my sister. My sister started working at 16 and my mom paid for her phone plan. My sister went over her allotted texting and talking plan almost each month and my mom finally put her foot down and said that if my sister wanted to talk and text, she was going to need to get her own phone plan. My mom said she didn't want to keep paying close to $60 on what was supposed to be a phone plan in the $30 range.

66. Got a light?

-A common question asked by those who smoked. TV commercials convinced people smoking was the cool thing to do while schools taught people that it was unhealthy, filled your body with horrid chemicals and would give you cancer, emphysema and COPD. In 2018, smoking rates have reached record lows with adults

-I'm not even that old and I know what that is. It's a car cigarette lighter. My aunt's car had one. She drove a car that had one and she definitely used it

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