Wednesday, July 5, 2023

When Your Gut Instinct Proves to Be Accurate

It's been said that you should always trust your gut instinct. If something feels "off", "not right", then it probably is. Here are some times when people were saying prayers of thanks that the "off" and "not right" feelings they had were warranted. One very incredible example is centered around 9/11. Some people who worked in the World Trade Center were big football fans and were watching football the night before and were up late. They called in the next day, to say they were tired and couldn't make it into work. That saved their lives as the hijacked planes crashed into both towers, killing all on impact and thus, destroying the towers and taking some who worked in the towers who couldn't get out with them

1. Always Keep a Sharp Eye

-You can be mugged at any opportunity. It can be any one who does this. They do it for a quick buck because they think you have something to steal. This situation is more observation and less gut instinct. One person noted "I walked into a house party and got a really bad gut feeling. Most of my friends and I left. The people who didn't leave got mugged. It was pretty scary."

2. Almost supernatural

-Kids are very intuitive. They can often sense things far quicker than adults. This includes supernatural occurrences. Kids are far more sensitive to supernatural phenomena, such as ghosts / spirits and adults find their kids talking to seemingly no one, but in that child's mind, they are talking to the spirit of a loved one. With kids, sometimes crying and throwing a tantrum is not their way of getting attention; they just have a bad feeling. One person noted "I was like 5 or 6 when my mum and sisters wanted to go for a drive out of town. I cried because I just didn't want to go with them for some reason, and decided to go with my other sister in her car. Turns out, my mum and other sisters ended up crashing...Luckily my fam was okay though...But I sure did feel really cool after that."

3. The Stereotypical White Van

-This unmarked van is almost stereotypically associated with bad people. Child molesters prowling neighborhoods crawling with kids looking for new victims. Rapists looking for new victims. The unmarked white van or unmarked van is almost always associated with suspicious activity, including its slow prowl up streets. Kids might be naive and trustworthy, but they're also very intuitive, have no filter and speak the truth very frequently and tend to be more observant than most adults. They tend to notice when something feels "off" a little quicker. One person noted "In elementary school when we had a recess. It was pretty average and we left at the normal time but it just felt very off to me, but because I was 8 and didn't have common sense yet, I brushed the feeling off. Turns out that there was literally a guy that had been scoping out the playground for kids to lure to him in a stereotypical white van."

4. Avoid the haunted house

-Two things happened here. One person was laughing at the concept that the house was haunted and felt some sort of entity was warning them to stay away. The other person ignored this entity and bought the house anyway. One person noted "While house hunting, we came across a seemingly perfect home. But a nagging feeling made us pass on it... Months later, the house suffered a major electrical fire, confirming our intuition and saving us from potential harm...Always trust your gut."

5. "Ice, Ice, Baby"

-Sounds like the Vanilla Ice song ripping off "Under Pressure" by David Bowie and Queen. Any one can tell you that driving on ice is not only dangerous, but can be life threatening. Especially because of impatient / careless drivers trying to get somewhere yesterday and they're not paying attention and they slide or crash right into you! It's often worse with bigger cars, trucks and even semis. Semis, also known as tractor trailers, are often the worst drivers in icy weather. If they hit you the right way, that's your death sentence because they are like flying missiles. If you've been driving long enough, you know what feels right and what feels wrong on your car and you know enough to drive carefully in inclement weather. This person had good instincts on their side and a strong knowledge of their car. One person noted "Pulling over before engine seized on icy road, we were in a s---box and I knew the engine was going out so the wheels would've stopped sending us into a tree."

6. Be a hero

-Anytime you see kids near the road, it's important to exercise extreme caution. When kids play near the road, there's that chance that the ball they play with might go out into the road and, as kids do, they chase after it. It's incredibly important to be a careful driver when kids are around. They know to look both ways, but sometimes they forget that. And even adults don't look both ways. Then there are those adults that, as someone is LITERALLY INSIDE A CROSSWALK, will keep edging closer and closer to going as the person gets to the other side. They don't want to wait the time for the green light. One person said "I was walking out of a grocery store when I saw this kid about to cross the road. Something came over me and I yanked him back onto the sidewalk. Not even a second later a truck came flying past. He was probably around 7 or 8ish."

7. Nature is talking

-While not a "gut reaction", it's still good to know what it represents. If you're walking through a lush forest that is usually loud with the buzzing of insects, chirping and calling of birds and noises of animals and suddenly goes dead silent, be on the alert! That means that those insects and animals have detected the presence of a large, dangerous animal. Time to get out! One person said "During my solo trip in the Amazon, I had a remarkable experience. I felt a strange discomfort and opened my eyes to find an unsettling silence. I returned to the safety of the nearby jungle lodge and shared my experience with the guide, who said that such silence often indicates the presence of a dangerous predator. It was a surreal moment that deepened my appreciation for the enigmatic nature of the Amazon."

8. Never forget to wear your seatbelt

-Police will always tell you this and now they are ticketing drivers who fail to wear their seatbelt. Cars nowadays are even coming with alerts that will keep going off until you click that safety belt. Some people think seatbelts are a waste of time; tell them that when they get in to a crash and end up in the hospital or dead. The person who gave this story admits to not wearing a seatbelt and now is a fully fledged supporter of wearing one. "I used to neglect wearing my seatbelt until one day, a gut feeling prompted me to buckle up. Shortly after, we were hit by a car going 60 mph. The police confirmed that without my seat belt, I would have been ejected through the windshield. Now I always wear my seatbelt without question."

9. Granddad to the rescue!

-Dad's "gut instinct" can be just as powerful as Mom's "intuition". Even grandfathers can have those gut feelings. And this here is a prime example of why it's incredibly important to check fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Over 400 people can die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning and doctors treat over 50,000 patients who suffer from this. They are easily identified by their cherry-red skin, which is a symptom of poisoning by carbon monoxide. One person in England had this to say. "My grandfather had a sudden gut feeling that something was wrong at my house. Trusting his intuition, he rushed to our house to find everyone unconscious due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Acting heroically, he single-handedly carried or dragged each family member to safety."

10. Another tragedy related to the Titanic

-Recently, the news has been playing stories of a submersible going down into the North Atlantic, to explore the ruins of the sunken RMS Titanic. The submersible excursion ended in disaster; it imploded due to the incredibly high pressure and killed all onboard. In a strange turn of events, a Portuguese business man and CEO named Mario Ferreria, the CEO of Mystic Cruises, had a chance to go on board the ill-fated submersible.  He said "My friend who was on the submarine told me that my place was [still] free and that I could go with him. We had been together on Friday, and he left on the private plane to go on board. I didn't want to go. We met in the Blue Origin astronaut group. And he challenged me to a mission to the Titanic. I thought I shouldn't go, and I didn't go. Glad I didn't go."

11. The kindness of a stranger

-When we have those moments where we couldn't get lower, pep talks from the ones we know and love don't always work. It seems that complete strangers sometimes get through to us better and quicker than family and friends. One person said "While walking my dog in the park, I encountered a crying teenaged girl. Trusting my instincts, I approached her and discovered she was feeling suicidal. We had a heartfelt conversation, and I provided support. Although I've moved away, we still keep in touch."

12. Job of dreams

-While this may not be a gut instinct, it's still powerful to know when to act on a bad feeling. One person said "I turned down a dream job with a significant salary increase in a different city based on my gut feeling. Two months later, the division was sold, and everyone in that department lost their jobs..."

13. A prime example of "Look both ways"

-Whenever you see no cars at the stop light and you have the right of way to use the crosswalk, it's always good to look around to make sure no cars are coming. There's always that off chance that someone is going to run the red light and hit someone, despite their having the right of way and being safely in the crosswalk. One person notes "I was waiting for at a traffic light crossing for the signal to say it's safe to go. When it did switch to green, I had a feeling not to move, so I didn't. After about 6 seconds of staring at the green pedestrian crossing light wondering to myself why I wasn't moving, a car ran the light." 

14. Big sister is here

-Kids near pools are the biggest fear for any parent. If they know their child can swim, that's one thing. But if the child is too young to learn how to swim (when is too young to learn how to swim?), then that's a whole near fear setting in. Nothing is scarier than a child drowning in a pool. One sibling notes "I was at a party when I was about 5, and I saw my little brother go into the pool area, my gut told me to follow him and he thought the cover was a step, he fell in the pool, I grabbed his arm and called for help and he still lives to this day."

15. Fateful Titanic Escape

-Everyone knows the story of the Titanic. It thought it had narrowly escaped an iceberg, but what wasn't realized is that while icebergs may seem small on top, their massive body is hidden underneath the water. Plus, with a fire occurring in the hull of the ship prior to it's maiden voyage, there was no time to fix the weakened steel because captains and crew wanted to sail on time. That weakened steel only helped the iceberg scrape the ship, sending it to its icy grave at the bottom of the Atlantic. One person's family was affected by it. Their great great grandmother had good instinct and stayed behind. "There's a family legend about my great great grandmother. She was 22 and her rich boyfriend got them tickets for the Titanic. She suspected he would propose on the ship. But one of her brother's friends had a bad feeling and convinced her not to go. She trusted him and stayed behind. Her boyfriend didn't make it, but she ended up marrying the friend who saved her."

16. Listen to the wife

-Two valuable lessons to always follow: never leave valuables in your car and listen to your wife. Sure, a wife can be wrong, but it's better to play it safe. It takes less effort to get your valuables out of the car than it does to argue with the one you promised you'd love and cherish until death do you part. One person noted "One night in college, my husband and I arrived home exhausted after a long day. He wanted to leave his backpack and computer in the car...But for some reason I urged him otherwise. the next morning his car had been broken into..."

17. Keep sharp eyes out

-It's always important to stay vigilant when in unfamiliar territory. A father was going to take his son to court with him to show him what dad did "at the office". But, with a sudden change in heart, that saved the child's life. "My dad had to attend court for a long-overdue payment issue at work. He planned to take me along to expose me to the adult world. But he had a sudden change of heart. As fate would have it, he got T-boned on the passenger side of the car. The car was completely wrecked, and I would have been seriously injured if I had been there."

18. Mom to the rescue!

-It's common thought that once a woman has kids, she becomes a superhero, a psychic / clairvoyant all in one. She can save lives, read minds and practically predict what's going to happen next before it even happens. It's a known fact that each year, over 350 children drown to death in pools, usually in backyards, where there is no supervision. One person noted "My mom's intuition pulled my brother out of a dangerous daycare. she left, but a nagging feeling prompted her to return. She arrived to find the daycare provider asleep while the children played unsupervised near a pool. She swiftly removed him from that daycare, preventing any potential harm."

19. Saved by the phone

-Phones can do a lot of good. They allow us to talk or text our loved ones. They allow us access to emergency personnel. They can also do a lot of bad, especially in the case of bullying. But in this instance, it did a lot of good. One person said "My dad, who usually dislikes my aunt, called her out of the blue one night. It turned out she was holding pills with plans to end her life. His instinct saved her, and now she's grateful to be alive..."

20. #misbehaviorforthewin

-Putting your child in the front seat is fine if they are old enough and tall enough. If they are too small and too young, it's the backseat for them! No ifs, no buts, no coconuts about it!! It's simply too dangerous for them to be in the front seat. Things can go wrong in a split second. One person noted "As a kid, I had a sudden urge to move from the front seat to the back seat while stopped at a red light. My mom scolded me...Moments later, another car crashed into the passenger side...Had I remained in the front seat, the outcome could have been fatal."

21. Intuition to the rescue

-Everyone has intuition or gut instincts. They are what keep us safe. That little voice in your head questioning whether something feels right or wrong. Also called your conscience. One person noted "I used to be a person who did things that are let's say...illegal. I learned to trust my gut feelings during these times. I almost rode with a friend once on the back of his bike...I had rode with him before, but this time I knew not to. I tried warning him, but he didn't listen to me. We found out the next day he had died of a head on collision with a tree."

22. Very creepy

-For those who are unaware, the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Killer was a man named Dennis Rader. He terrorized the US from 1974-1991 with ten horrified victims left behind. Like most serial killers, he taunted the police and media as a way of saying they couldn't catch him. One person almost became his next victim. One person said "Mom was a realtor. Met up one day with a home inspector about a house. Both of us had this gut feeling that something seemed off about the guy. I would usually hang out inside/around the homes while my mom did her stuff. This time she had me stay in the car, doors unlocked, and her cellphone on. Found out a few weeks later that the home inspector was BTK

23. Superhero Moms

-Back to the very true concept of mothers having super powers. Mothers are not only superheroes, they are psychics / clairvoyants because they can predict what others are going to say / do before it happens. They are also doctors, fixing injuries and surgeons, fixing toys. Some families are close and talk constantly. Some go for a month or two without talking. One person said "My mom called me late one night after we hadn't spoken in about a month. We chatted for a few minutes before I told her I'd just taken a bunch of pills with the intent to kill myself just before she called. She phoned an ambulance and, you know, I'm still here."

24. Your gut instinct never leads you astray

-It's been said time and time again. Trust your gut. If you have a feeling that something is "off", "doesn't feel right" or you just have a "bad feeling" about something, it's probably accurate. Normally, one would stop and offer help to two people lying on the side of the road, thinking car trouble is the number one culprit. But the person who donated this story instead called the police. "I was driving and I saw a car in the middle of the road with two people lying on the ground. My gut feeling was that something is suspicious here and I decided to act on it by driving past it. I stop to call the police and I look in my rearview mirror to see the two people lying on the road stand up with five other people coming out of the bushes."

25. When offered this ride, just say no

-Women often have a strong sense of instinct called intuition. Women can sense when something is not right. When a man started off acting friendly and polite to her, her defenses went up. The important characteristic was revealed when he offered a ride to her young daughter. This made the mother's defenses go on full high alert. "Had a feeling that a guy I had met - was NOT OK. He was friendly and mannerly and interesting, BUT my gut told me there was something else...He had offered my daughter (age 11 or so) a ride somewhere and I told her NOT to take a ride with him. We found out he later killed his girlfriend and her mother."

26. Avoiding the unknown

-Our gut instinct / intuition can act as a silent, invisible guardian against unknown dangers, even though there's no evidence to support danger. It's always important to listen to your gut instinct; it hardly ever leads you astray. If something just feels "off" about a person or situation, it's probably safe to say it's not worth the risk. One woman found herself in a dilemma when her boyfriend became insistent upon attending a party at one individual's home. "I had a boyfriend who was a lot older than me, who was immature and drank a lot. We used to tour around these parties out of farms a long way from town etc. He kept asking me to go party at this one guy's place. I don't know why but my gut said no...Turned out the guy is a suspected serial killer who was active around that time."

27. Good luck on parking

-With apartment complexes, condo complexes, there are certain designated spots or stalls that the residents have to park in. They sometimes even have driveways to park in. Despite fatigue, people still listen to their conscience and gut instinct. One night, fatigued after delivering pizzas, one delivery driver listened to her gut. "Returning home after delivering pizzas late at night, a strong sense of unease compelled me to park in the driveway instead of the parking area. My husband questioned my decision, but I couldn't explain the feeling. The following morning, we discovered a fallen tree had demolished the car of the upstairs neighbor. If I had parked there, my car would have been damaged too."

28. Stranger Danger

-This is what parents usually say to refer to strangers. "Never talk to strangers" or "stranger danger", are two terms used to describe the concept of never talking to those you don't know. Some kids are easily fooled by strangers because these strangers know just how trusting and naive children are. They know candy and animals often attract a child's attention. One person said "At age 5 I was almost abducted by strangers at the park who had a bunch of toys on a blanket and tried to lure me into their motor home. I got a "tummy ache" when one of them tried to coax me by reaching for my arm to lead me away, and I screamed and ran like h--- back to my dad. Years later I found out those same people had abducted other kids who weren't so lucky."

29. Safety on the road

-A lot of people don't understand the concept of riding a motorcycle. There's nothing between you and the road should you crash. The only thing that is protected is your head provided you're wearing a helmet, which unfortunately, a lot of motorcycle riders often are not wearing. But then those who are riding a motorcycle say there's something exciting about the feeling of wind on your face or skin on the open road as you cruise down the road. And as long as you are operating the motorcycle safely or are with someone who knows how to operate a motorcycle safely, you and your companion will be good to go. One person noted "Was riding my motorcycle with a friend on the back. We were going down a country road behind a truck hauling a bunch of old car tires when all of a sudden I decided we shouldn't be there, so I slowed way down to let the truck go ahead of us. Just as I did one of the tires fell off the truck and landed right where we would have been."

30. Not much of a party

-It's been said that there are two types of people in this world: the trusting types and the suspicious types. The suspicious types tend to question when something feels "funny" and the trusting types don't question it at all. Unfortunately, the suspicious types are less likely to find trouble because they trusted their gut. Sometimes it pays off to be the trusting type because you can have fun while it also pays to be the suspicious type so you can avoid trouble. One person said "Had a friend who said we should go to this party. We ended up driving out to it, we noticed the neighborhood was not too pleasant. The house had some lights on in the backyard but kind of quiet for a party. I decided that we should not go since something felt really off. One of our classmates got robbed when they got there. It was a fake party."

31. It's important to stick together

-Sticking together when you're with multiple people is important. Even if it's only you and one other person, you must keep an eye out for each other. When you feel something is "off", trust your gut. One person noted "Was in Pennsylvania for Memorial Day weekend camping. Everyone wants to go to get a few things left out. I felt like something was off so I stayed back in my hammock. I was the only one who stayed, and a drunk driver ended up hitting the car all my friends were in."

32. Giving us the run around

-Relationships are hard to find and sometimes hard to maintain. It's you and another person. Two different personalities coming together and hopefully finding love in the chaos of getting to know each other better. Some people meet their perfect one, their "soulmate" in high school. Some meet their soulmate later on down the road. How do you know you've found THE ONE? Trust your gut. One person said "My ex-gf...I dated her while she was separated and going through a divorce (she had 2 kids, not mine). We broke up, she dated another guy, got married and pregnant within 6 months. They are now going through a divorce...while she is dating a new guy. Bullet dodged."

33. I wouldn't if I were you

-Your conscience is there to aid you in the right and wrong of life. If your conscience is telling you "I wouldn't if I were you", it's a good idea to trust your conscience and your gut instinct. This can also be used when travelling abroad to a place one has never been. Always trust your gut. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. It's easy to get lost because you don't know the area; it's always easier to ask the locals how to get somewhere so that at least you have a better chance of getting correct information. One person notes "Not me but when my mum was a teenager on 18th November 1987, she was going to London to visit a friend. She decided she was going to take a taxi instead of going by tube because it didn't feel right  (King's Cross tube station). Ten minutes later the whole station caught on fire and 30 out of the 40 people passed away."

34. Mind blowing

-Anyone who hears about a child with a gun automatically starts worrying. But, how do you know that that child doesn't know what he or she is doing? If they have a parent who teaches them responsible gun ownership, and teaches them how to assemble / disassemble a gun, clean it, load / unload it and teaches the child about the gun, inside and out, check for errors then that is more than incredible. That is responsible gun ownership. It's important to teach about gun safety around children. This also extends to putting guns in a locked safe or cabinet unloaded and keeping the ammunition separate from the guns. It's always good to follow your gut instinct about guns. If you feel something is not right, it's probably accurate; something is not right. One person noted, while at a gun range "At a gun range, I had a feeling something was wrong before firing another round from my dad's S&W 9mm. Upon inspection, I found a lodged round halfway down the barrel. Avoiding a potential explosion, I disassembled the gun..." Frankly, the father of this child had taught them well about responsible gun ownership. 12 years old is early enough to start learning how to use a gun responsibly

35. Moms know best

-Once again, the "moms have superpowers" concept. No matter how many times it's said, it's true! Mothers are superheroes, surgeons, psychics / clairvoyants all wrapped in one package. One mother's instincts helped save her family. One of those family members said "During a family trip to the South of Sri Lanka, my mother had a strong feeling not to go to the planned coastal destination. We changed our plans and later discovered that the hotel we initially booked was destroyed by the tsunami..."

36. Something seems off...

-When camping in the woods, it's always good and safe to go with your gut instinct. If it suddenly becomes dead quiet, that means there is a predator lurking in the vicinity. And sometimes blue sky and sunshine days can morph into tornado and thunderstorm black cloud and lightning days. Nature is unpredictable. But as long as you follow your gut instinct when something feels "off", then you'll be safe. "I was going to go camping in Western Maine. I was on a small mountain and the weather just felt off. I had just pitched my tent to but I had a feeling I wasn't going to enjoy the night so I packed up and went home. Next day I find out a tornado ripped through the area I was in. Next week I go out to find the path of destruction it left went right through where my campsite was."

37. Maternal instincts

-Prior to their babies being born, mothers know. Being a parent is a learn-as-you-go job. There is no book on perfect parenting. You go with what works, learn new methods and disregard and abandon what doesn't work. Mothers seem to know about their children before they're even born. One woman stated "The day I had my son. I was 34 weeks and was feeling great but something felt different. I ended up going to the ER and having an emergency C-section. I was told that if I hadn't listened to my gut, my son most likely wouldn't have survived and I probably wouldn't have either. But here we are, happy and healthy!"

-I can also provide an example from my life. My mother had a cousin named Tony who was a breech baby (baby in the opposite position of a normal baby; it's normally supposed to be head first, feet last. With breech babies it's feet first, head last.) Because of this, the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, cutting off vital oxygen to the brain and causing him to have cerebral palsy. Not bad enough to put him in a wheelchair, but bad enough that he has violent changes in mood and a slight speech impediment. My maternal grandmother warned my mother about being pregnant with my sister. She said that my mother should get checked for a breech baby. Sure enough, my sister was a breech baby. The doctor had managed to turn her around somehow, but my sister reversed and went back to the initial position.

-When it came time to give birth, my maternal grandmother insisted my mother have a C-section to save my sister's life. Luckily, my mother listened to both her mother and gut instinct. Because initially my mother didn't want another child. But she kept seeing all these religious commercials and looked up and said "OK, I get the message." My mom went through with the C-section and it ended up successful; turned out the umbilical cord would have wrapped around my sister's neck if my mother had given birth naturally and she would have had any number of conditions, including cerebral palsy. My grandmother told my mother that she had better have a C-section otherwise my sister would end up like my mother's cousin Tony. Today, my sister is a happy, healthy, goofy, country-music loving, squirrel and flamingo-loving person and is also engaged to a guy she met on Facebook through friends from high school

38. CraigsList can't be trusted

-This is not a trustworthy site. You can buy nearly anything on that site and I mean NEARLY ANYTHING! You can even get dates on that site. How weird?!? This is one platform often used for scams. Luckily, one person who went on CraigsList avoided a robbery. "After receiving an email from a potential buyer on CraigsList, offering $140 for a used bike I initially bought for $160, I was thrilled. But a strange feeling prompted me to Google his name, revealing a criminal history of home burglary and robbery. I obviously didn't go through with the sale."

39. Madness in the barbershop

-Most people regard a barbershop as a sort of meeting place to hang out and talk. Sounding like a mystery novel or movie, a man walking down the street has a sudden feeling of impending doom and decides to wait a bit before doing his errand. Not waiting would have resulted in his murder. "I walk walking to the barbershop, and for some reason, everything just felt off. Every step I took made me feel like something wasn't right, so I decided to go home. I saw police cars and ambulances driving to around where I was before, it turns out there was a murder. Now I always listen to my gut."

40. Pregnancy intuition

-It's been said, time and time again, that when a woman becomes a mother, whether during pregnancy or after childbirth, she develops psychic / clairvoyant powers, superheroes and her instincts are strengthened by 100x. She can sense when something isn't right, which is good because it could affect not only her health, but the health of the baby she's bringing into this world. One woman said she was so in touch with her child that she could sense danger before it even presented itself. "At 41 weeks pregnant, despite the doctor's reassurances, I insisted on an earlier appointment. It turns out my baby was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, but she was quickly released without critical harm. Luckily I listened to my instincts."

41. Kudos to you

-Stealing isn't right. If you're a religious person, you should know it's one of the Ten Commandments; "Thou shalt not steal". Those who do are going to answer for it later, whether you're caught or not. In this case, all a thief managed to get from a woman's purse was a pack of pills and a juice box. "I had a gut feeling I should pull my wallet and phone out of my purse. Not even 20 seconds later, I get mugged. The man dragged me across the sidewalk and stole my purse BUT all he ended up getting was a juice box and my birth control."

42. Superhero Moms

-There are tons of stories proving mothers are superheroes. It's really quite frightening how they can predict what their kids or spouses will say or do before it's even done. You almost find yourself dumbstruck, thinking "how did she know?" And the answer when you ask the question is "a mother always knows". One woman states "While picking up my son from school, I was compelled to engage in conversation with the receptionist. Little did I know that I would suddenly have a seizure and lose consciousness. Had I not stayed, I would have experienced a seizure while driving on the interstate with my son in the car..."

43. Trust your spouse

-Not only do mothers have good intuition, so do dads and husbands. And even boyfriends. So it's pretty much agreed that men and women have good senses of intuition. It's been said the longer a couple is together, the more compatible and "in sync" they are with each other, almost to the point of mind reading. It's easy to see why there are so many stories of husbands and wives saving each other from the brink of disaster. "Anticipating potential icy road conditions, I debated with my husband about the safest route to work. He warned me about the dangers of the express lane due to barriers and ice. I considered taking that route, but I changed my mind. It turned out there was a massive 150-car pileup with fatalities on the express road due to ice."

44. #managersforthewin

-We all like to stick it to authority every great now and again, but there are the times when management is right. One manager managed to have their employee's life saved by an argument over the cost of a Red Bull. "One ordinary work day, I planned to go to the dollar store for a Red Bull. My boss initially declined my offer to split the cost but suddenly changed his mind without explanation. Annoyed, I pushed the door open only to hear a shattering sound. An SUV had crashed into the store. My boss' irritating delay ended up saving my life."

45. An eerie silence

-This is never good. When it's too eerily silent, something just feels off. When you're out and about in nature, like camping, dead silence usually signals the approach or presence of some sort of predator. One person said "I was building a fort in the woods near my house as a kid. Got this eerie feeling that something was wrong so I packed my stuff and made my way home. Next day, on my way to school on the bus, my friend mentioned a cougar his family saw running across the road that was within a couple hundred feet of where I was."

46. Is it hot here or is it just me?

-Another case of your conscience ringing the bells of alarm. If you sit down somewhere and it's warm, look around. It's probably the stoop of a house that's been sitting in the sun for a while. Or, in the case of this person, sitting on an electrical box that was close to sparking and igniting, possibly taking the person with it in the fire due to start. "Sitting on an electrical box during a blackout, I noticed flickering electricity in my house. Realizing the box could be the source, I quickly stood up and moved away. Within seconds, it exploded, shooting a towering pillar of flame. I narrowly avoided a dangerous and potentially fatal situation."

47. Superhero brother

-Just like moms, siblings can also sense when something is off with their loved ones. The man who gave this story drove all the way home just to take his sister to the hospital. "While visiting friends in Phoenix, my boyfriend has a strong urge to leave. Without hesitation, I followed his lead. We drove straight to his parents' rural house in San Antonio. Just moments before our arrival, his sister had a severe accident, and we were there to assist."

48. Some fear is good

-Going on rollercoasters can be scary. You don't know what to expect. But once you're on, there's no going back until the ride is over. When over, your heart is racing and you want to immediately do it again because it was so much fun. The fact that these rides are often strongly inspected it s a good thing. No one wants to ride on a ride and have an important component come off. I've been line for two coasters at the local theme park, Kings Island, for two steel coasters called Diamondback and Banshee, and have been told those rides were shut down due to maintenance issues. While maintenance fixed the rides and declared the green light go on them, everyone was happy. One thing to always worry about is that lap bar coming off and you flying off. There have been stories about people getting injured and even killed on roller coasters over the years. That is why there are attendants nowadays who come by and check that everything is in good operational order. They make sure the over the shoulder braces and head supports are working on rides that will jerk you from side to side or doing pretzel loops, corkscrew turns or barrel rolls. They make sure the lap bar keeps you in the car on steel coasters or wood coasters. One person said their gut instinct proved right with rollercoasters. "Despite my fear of roller coasters, I rode one in the dark and surprisingly enjoyed it. When my friends wanted one final ride before closure, my gut feeling urged me not to join. I waited with the bags as they returned, pale-faced. During the ride, my friend's safety bar had risen up, causing a terrible accident. It was horrifying."

49. It's always good to trust your gut

-Your gut instinct is hardly ever wrong. Some people just take longer to realize something is off than others do. It's incredibly important to trust your gut instinct and intuition. One person said "My mother's intuition saved my grandfather's life we he had a stroke in their living room. While we were out walking, she decided to check on him, and I witnessed his critical condition. She called 911 twice, ensuring timely help. Over a decade later, he is still alive and well."

50. Somebody's watching me...

-Like that 80s song "Somebody's Watching Me" by that singer Rockwell, we all get that hair-raising-on-the-back-of-our-neck feeling that we're being watched. We all get that tingling feeling that someone or something is watching us from the shadows where we can't see them, but they can definitely see us. One person got that eerie feeling walking on a nature trail. "I was walking on a hiking trail, and got that being watched feeling. This was in the woods, no one was around. I turned around and walked back out to the trailhead and went home. On the news that night I saw a mountain lion had been hunting there and attempted to attack another hiker that day."

51. Some people just ooze bad vibes

-You can generally get a feeling about people from talking to them. Some people you feel you can trust after talking to them and getting a feel for them. Some people just give you bad vibes immediately. Some people you feel bad vibes just by looking at them. But the phrase to keep in mind here is "Don't judge a book by its cover". Sometimes the most well put together people can give off the worst vibes while the more run down or normal looking people have the best intentions. "I was learning violin when I was about 10. I got the weirdest feeling from the teacher even though he didn't do anything. After 4 lessons I told my parents that I had a terrible feeling about him and never wanted to go back. They listened and didn't make me go to him ever again. A few years later, he was arrested for molesting multiple students. I have no idea how I knew something was off."

52. Poor animal

-Whenever someone hears a story about animals and something bad happening, a lot of sympathy goes towards the animals. The animals are the victims in those cases. People bringing in exotic animals just to sell for cash. People bringing in dogs from other countries just to breed in puppy mills and selling for quick bucks because they're pure bred dogs. People bringing in exotic breeds of dog just to sell for quick money. You definitely feel your heartstrings getting yanked every time you see a story about this on the news. One person was incredibly angry that her dog had been left out in the cold by an inconsiderate, rude roommate. "I woke up from a deep sleep at like 2am during a winter storm, something wasn't right...I immediately went looking for my senior dog and couldn't find her anywhere in the house. My roommates had a tendency to let her out for a walk and forget about her, closing the door. I ran to the front of the house and found her laying on the welcome mat, she was hardly breathing and covered in snow...she had been outside alone for at the very least 5 hours. I moved out shortly after."

53. Final Destination

-This is the name of a series of movies where people try, unsuccessfully, to cheat Death, but Death eventually gets them in the end. In the case of this story, it was safer to get OUT of the car than stay in it on a narrow mountain pass. "While on a rainy road trip through mountains with my dad, I felt an unsettling sensation and urged him to leave the car for safety. Moments later, a massive boulder crushed our vehicle. Since then, "Final Destination" became my least favorite movie."

54. Risks with online dating

-This is incredibly true. With online dating, you don't know who you're talking to. People can lie and scam people. You think you might be talking to one person when it's really another. That's how child pedophiles can lure so many victims to them. Kids get online and get into chat rooms and think they are talking to another kid when it's really an adult. With online dating, it's good to go with your gut instinct. Sometimes the people you speak with are who they say they are and sometimes they're not. If your gut is telling you something is off about that person, trust the feelings. Your gut instinct will hardly ever be wrong. "After connecting with a guy in Instagram, I planned to meet him in my city. However, my gut feeling strongly warned me against it. Trusting my instincts, I canceled the meeting, which angered him. Later, I discovered he had attempted to kidnap a girl from his college campus."

55. Are guardian angels real?

-A lot of people don't believe in the concept of guardian angels. They think that it's a matter of good luck, coincidence, gut instinct or intuition and good reflexes that keep us out of trouble. Sometimes when something feels off, it's either out instincts coming to the rescue or someone looking out for you. "A few years ago, my brother and I were set to take a train on Saturday to visit our granduncle. But a weird feeling led me to book the tickets for Friday instead. We later discovered that the Saturday train we were supposed to take had crashed, resulting in fatalities and injuries. It was a very strange experience..."

56. A miracle patient

-Grandmothers are often one of the more special people on the planet. Some people are incredibly lucky and blessed to have grandmothers who love their grandkids and teach them various things while some have grandmothers who are not so nice. It's never too late to show them gratitude, despite only appreciating them when they leave. "After my father's funeral, I returned home and noticed my grandma acting strangely. Despite reassurances that she was just grieving, I trusted my instincts and called for a wellness check. It turned out she had dangerously low potassium levels. Always trust your instincts!"

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