Monday, August 14, 2023

40 Useful Tips for Travelling by Plane

Anyone who has travelled via plane knows what works and what does not. They know what to bring and what not to bring. Here are 40 useful tips for travelling by plane.

1. Arrive at the airport ahead of time

-If you're flying internationally, it's best to be at the airport at least three hours in advance. This will give you time to get checked in at the front desk of the airline you're flying through, get through security with TSA and find your gate. This also applies to domestic (not international) flights as well. It's always a good idea to get to the airport at least three hours ahead of time because the lines will be long and you want to have enough time to get through security, get checked in at the front desk of the airline you're flying through and find your gate, especially if the airport is a big one serving multiple areas.

2. Don't lose sight of your luggage

-Keep your luggage with you at all times. Most if not all the time, the big luggage you bring, the checked in bags, will already be on the airplane because when you check in at the airline front desk that you're flying through, they'll weigh your bag to see if it is considered overweight bag fees. And if it's clear, they print out a tag, put it on your suitcase and put it on the conveyor belt behind them to get loaded on to the plane. Don't lose your luggage or take care of other people's luggage. They can accuse you of theft, drug trafficking or some other illicit crime

3. Check-in

-The most important step. This is the first step on your vacation. You must check in at the front desk of the airline you're flying through. When you arrive at the airport, you'll see a long counter broken down into different areas. These "areas" are check in desks for different airlines. Make sure to check in with the correct one. This is where you can confirm whether you want an aisle or window seat, get your luggage tagged and loaded on to the airplane, confirm whether you are travelling solo or part of a group, get luggage weighed to see if overweight bag fees are in your future and you can check in up to 48 hours prior to your flight. There are two ways to do it. 1.) Traditional. Arrive at the airport at least 3 hours (the site this link is from says 2, but it's better to do it 3 hours) before your flight. It's always better to have more than enough time than not enough. Go to the check in desk to confirm information, register your luggage, and once everything is confirmed and accurate, will issue your boarding pass. 2.) Online. Check in online through the airline's website. This will save you time and keep you from going through the long lines and allow you to choose seats yourself.

4. Go to security control and exercise caution

-This is your next step. With your boarding pass, you have to go to security control, where your luggage is checked for prohibited items. After getting checked, proceed to the departure lounge for your flight. When you're in line for this, take off your shoes and take off any belts, chains, watches or any other metal item. Put them in a bin provided. Push the bin with your items through the scanner when it comes time for you to go through the metal detector. Once you're in and get the all clear, get your belongings from the bin. Wear flip flops and put those in the bin to save TSA some extra time on having to search your shoes and also save you time by just slipping into them. Not recommended if you have to run through the airport, though

5. Enter the boarding area and complete all the necessary forms

-If you have to wait for someone, do it outside the boarding area because once you enter this area, you can't go back outside. Go to the migration area as soon as possible in case your trip is international. It is here that you carry out the legal requirements of your trip, such as passport check, boarding pass, digital photo, fingerprints, the reason for travel and other reasons

6. Migration is only for international flights, not domestic flights

-If you are travelling outside the country, then you must go through migration. If you are flying domestically, you don't have to go to migration. Just sit back, relax and wait for your flight to announce the beginning of boarding

7. Find your boarding gate

-This is where you'll board the plane. Normally, boarding passes indicate your boarding gate. If not, locate the screens listing departing / arriving flights and locate it that way. And, if need be, ask someone who works at the airport. After locating it, stay close to it otherwise you risk missing your flight. Make sure to find it as soon as possible because the boarding gates are usually at the end of the airport and if it's a large airport, could take some time to get there

8. Look through the shops in the departure lounge

-Only if you have time, you can look through the shops in the departure lounge and buy items, such as food, clothing, etc., without paying taxes

9. Not everything tax free is cheaper

-Despite being tax free, some items are not cheaper. Don't buy too much; you're only allowed one carry on and as much as two bags

10. VIP lounges can be considered

-Flights can be delayed. It's the natural thing to happen sometimes. It's good to be prepared if your flight is delayed 12+ hours. There are private boarding rooms that have a single bath, wifi, comfortable seats, refreshments and also fewer passengers in the VIP lounge so you can emerge recharged

11. When leaving your seat, verify you have everything

-Passengers often forget things in the departure lounge. When it's time to board, verify you have everything and have not forgotten anything

12. Choosing your seat

-The "best seat" depends on your needs. If you don't want to be surrounded by strangers, choose the back of the plane (or like my stepdad jokingly says "Whoever heard of an airplane backing into a mountain?" My stepdad is goofy). This area is usually quieter when the flights aren't full. You might even manage to get 2-3 seats by yourself. If you want space to stretch your legs, the seats next to the emergency exit are for you. These rows are separated a little more than the others. The window seat is ideal for sleeping and relaxing and also perfect for those flying for their first time. If you suffer from vertigo and know you need to get up and stretch your legs, might we recommend choosing the aisle seat. Also, if you have to use the bathroom pretty frequently, the aisle seat is also recommended

13. Locate your seat

-The time has come to board the plane. Finding your seat is not hard; the seat numbers are listed above your head on the bottom of the overhead compartments. Locate your seat and sit down unless there is someone else in your row; then get up and let them in to sit down.

14. Relate to the environment

-Once you find your seat, talk to your seatmate. They might have interesting stories. If they speak a different language, use the apps Google Talk or Hello Talk.

15. Make sure everything is correctly functioning

-Make sure the seat belts work, that your carry on is under the seat in front of you and if something doesn't work, let one of the staff know

16. Get comfortable for take-off

-While it won't be a long wait for take off, get comfortable. Look around. Observe the interesting people getting on and what they're wearing. Listen to their excited conversations about where they're from and where they're going and what they plan on doing

17. Be observant when filling out the immigration form

-The staff on international flights will give an immigration form for passengers to fill out during the flight. Enter all the required information such as passport number, reason for trip, return date and any item that requires prior declaration. Be honest when filling it out otherwise you could run into trouble entering your destination country.

How does it feel to be travelling by plane for the first time?

-It can be scary or nerve wracking if you've never flown by plane before. You have nothing to worry about. That is why extensive examinations of airplanes are done prior to flight. The first thing that will occur is that the plane will take to the runway. The captain turns on the engines and you begin moving. Suddenly, a force will push you back as the engines reach full power and you start to rise. You'll start to feel as though you're floating. Of course, your ears will pop because your ears are trying to adjust to a change in altitude. Once the aircraft stabilizes, a calm will wash over you as you enjoy your flight

18. Despite being scared, enjoy the takeoff

-It's a highly unique sensation. The force that pushes you back is like some rollercoasters that start off by shooting you off at high speeds. It's exciting

19. Chewing gum

-This often helps. And if you don't have gum, just move your jaws around as if chewing gum. The motion of your jaws helps decrease the intensity of your ears popping. The only reason your ears pop is because they are trying to adjust to a change in altitude. After a few minutes, and the plane stabilizes, your ears will stop popping. They'll start popping again when you are in the landing process of landing at the airport of your destination

20. Don't read during takeoff / landing

-Reading, plus a feeling of emptiness, the change in pressure can work against you. It will possibly cause you to feel dizzy or a strong urge to vomit. Don't do it

21. When landing, be observant and enjoy it

-It's important to remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop, as the captain usually suggests. Look out the window to see the area of your destination, the airport, what other airplanes are there from foreign / domestic airlines. When you are given the all clear, unbuckle your seat, fold up your tray and enjoy the arrival

22. Carry receipts / invoices of any purchases

-Security checks will always ask for some sort of proof of purchase upon entering your destination country and board the plane. If you bought nothing on the plane, you're good

23. Eat prior to boarding the plane

-Sometimes airlines offer free snacks and food to its passengers, depending on the length of the flight or the airline. Lately, a lot of airlines have started charging for some food to make up for lost revenue during COVID-19. You want to make sure your stomach is somewhat filled before boarding. Eat somewhere in the airport. Airports ALWAYS have restaurants and stores open early to make sure you are nourished before boarding

24. Avoid coffee or alcohol prior to boarding

-Don't drink coffee or alcoholic beverages prior to flight because they will cause some discomfort. Try to stay hydrated prior to flight and also use the bathroom before boarding. While the airplanes do have multiple bathrooms, passengers hardly listen to the flight staff who say that only one person at a time is allowed outside of the bathroom

25. Take advantage of your carry on

-Put as much as you need in there. This will save on weight for your checked in luggage. And if it does not fit in the container that the airports / airlines say is a max size for a carry on, please do not force it in to the shape required; airlines / airports are not stupid. They will charge you for oversize bags

26. Always have your passport handy

-If you've ever seen any of those To Catch a Smuggler shows, you'll see that airport security is always roving around, keeping an eye out for suspicious activity. They will be standing at the end of the boarding gate to screen incoming passengers for any suspicious activity. If you have your passport in a place that's easily accessible, and they ask for it, you can quickly hand it to them if they ask

27. Wrap luggage in plastic sheeting

-This might seem strange, but it's not altogether unusual. People have witnessed the horror of how airport employees treat other people's luggage. "Not my luggage, not my problem" seems to be the mantra. Wrapping your luggage in plastic protects them from damage and also protects them from being opened and illicit items being put in or being stolen

28. Protect your valuables

-Wrap your fragile items, such as breakable souvenirs, bottles of perfume / cologne in clothes to protect them from the horrible luggage treatment at the airport

29. Plan your entertainment

-You must keep yourself entertained on flights. Some flights offer in-flight TV or movies, music, etc on long flights. Take something to occupy your time, such as a book or two, magazines, a table preloaded with TV shows or movies, anything to pass the time

30. Try and sleep

-Invest in one of those foam bead neck pillows. They are one of the most commonly seen items on people's luggage at the airport. Use one of these around your neck and sleep on the flight.

31. What to do if your seatmate wants to talk constantly?

-Some of us are unlucky enough to get a seatmate who wants to talk. Constantly. Show them you are busy by wearing earphones or reading a book. If they put their hands on your book to put it down and make you listen to whatever they are rambling on about, speak up. Tell them you don't care what they have to say and you'd like to read or listen to music or watch something on a laptop / phone / tablet.

32. Invest in earplugs

-These little handy devices will cut down on noise in a crowded plane. Go for the highest decibel rating you can get. The higher the rating, the more protection you'll have and also the more noise blocked. These can help you sleep on a noisy airplane

33. Bring a travel pillow

-Take a travel pillow with you, especially on long flights so you can catch some sleep. This is similar to the advice about trying to sleep on the airplane. Invest in a foam bead neck pillow. They button and unbutton so all you have to do is button it around your neck and lean back against the seat to sleep

34. Bring a sleeping mask

-Like the earplugs and travel pillow, sleeping masks will block out light and let you sleep on the plane

35. Stand up occasionally to stretch your legs

-After a while, the captain will say that it is safe to move about the cabin. Some people get up and walk around. Some people just stand to wake up their numb muscles. Some even do yoga or exercises in the aisles. This allows your body to start circulating blood again throughout your body

36. Before leaving the plane, check that you have everything

-It's common for a passenger to leave something on the airplane when exiting the plane. Make sure you have everything you brought with you before you leave

37. Bring items to sanitize and kill bacteria

-Tons of people have sat in those seats you're sitting in now. Wipe them down with sanitizing wipes to avoid picking up bacteria

38. Never go in flip flops

-Wear comfortable shoes that cover the whole foot. You not only want to be comfortable, but when the plane gets up in the air, it's going to be cold. Your feet will freeze in flip flops and you'll be uncomfortable

39. Bring a long sleeve shirt or jacket

-It's suggested that wearing a long sleeved shirt or jacket before, during and after the flight will help you warm

40. Long trip? Avoid jeans

-If you're going on a long trip, avoid jeans. They have metal buttons and rivets on them which can cut into skin and thus, make you uncomfortable. Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing. But not clothing that makes you look like you just rolled out of bed or even your pajamas. But, if wearing jeans on long flights doesn't bother you, then do what you feel is best. One advantage of jeans is they are thick and will keep you warm up in the chill air

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