Friday, September 15, 2023

Infuriating Yet Comical House Fails

We all have those mishaps that occur at home. Whether it be with an appliance, decoration or something else.

Some photos couldn't be added, as they were on separate websites

1. Annoying as ever!

-Ever been at home and tried to go somewhere but even the door doesn't want you to leave? Everyone has probably experienced the issue of a belt loop on pants getting caught on those slightly ornate-looking door handles that are long and thin.

2. Pull the lever

-WHICH ONE?!?!?!? Everyone's bathroom is different. Everyone's bathroom has either a shower or tub and has those unique settings on the shower head set to their preferences. The photo below shows a new level of home customization

3. Just grate...

-Grates are usually supposed to go over AC vents and holes in the ground to prevent falls. The person who owns this apartment is wondering why the AC does not seem to be working and why it's not cold in their apartment. The immediate resolution was to look up and see a grate, yes. But that grate is going nowhere, literally. It's immediately apparent what's wrong with this picture

4. Thanks, but no thanks

-When someone wants to get a new floor put in, they normally choose what type they want and either get it installed by professionals or do it themselves. They don't expect it to be scratched and looking like a roller derby term was using it for practice. The person who sent in the photo below had upgraded from renting an apartment to full home ownership. When that is done, you must pay to repair all damages, including the floors. They groaned when they seen what their floor cleaning robot Roomba did to their wood floor. As a result of snagging a piece of sheetrock, it scratched the motherload out of the wood floor

5. The downside of being upstairs

-Living upstairs, you immediately think "I don't have to worry about people above me, only below me". If you're living on the top floor of an apartment or condo building, the only other thing above you is the roof. The person who sent this photo in was up and ready to start the day. Only one problem-they couldn't get downstairs. It turns out that the person, who was living with their dad, had not been warned ahead of time that renovations would be taking place and the stairs were the first to go

6. The Odd Rod Out

-Instead of the "odd man out", it's the "odd rod out" on this staircase banister. This decorative banister seems to be a bit off in one spot. It's so subtle that it took the owner of the home where this odd rod out is located five years to notice. If you look hard enough, you can find it...

7. Professionally done

-For those who not handy with tools, people prefer to have professionals work on their home, whether it be installing floors, putting up sheetrock or something else. You know the facepalm emoji? The one that usually describes a WTF moment? This photo says it all. Without moving the hula hoop, the cable installer put the wires through the hoop, thus making it impossible to move the hoop

8. But why?

-Parents can do the strangest things sometimes. There's no rhyme or reason to their actions, no method to their madness. Only they understand the methods of their madness. The mother of the person who took this photo did something that confused the photographer

9. If you can't take the heat...

-This old phrase is usually finished by "get out of the kitchen". There's a fine line between simply funny mishaps that occur in housing and faulty designs that can be dangerous, even fatal. Electric stovetops and ovens are commonplace in apartment complexes. They're not the best of designs for some, but most prefer them for their easy to clean glass top. The only downside is they can't be used during power outages for obvious reasons. This electric stovetop is something out of The Twilight Zone and the owner didn't realize it until they went to cook one day...

-This can be dangerous as you won't know where the heat source is and you can get seriously burned. Burns are dangerous, depending on the degree and the level of damage that occurs as a result

10. A little off center

-Houses are usually known for their symmetry. They are known for features of all kinds and styles of all kinds. People love buying old historic homes because of their high degree of craftsmanship and detail, but they do come with their own little quirks

-This is almost obvious when you first look at it. This house-turned-apartment complex has a wood door that is off center from the staircase

11. Mirror, mirror

-Apartments are usually cleaned and fixed up when one tenant leaves and another one comes. But there are subtle reminders of the previous tenants-holes in walls where pictures hung, the cabinets looking a little worn, etc. These are usually the signs that indicate an apartment is never truly yours

12. A nightmarish obstacle course

-Bugs give anyone the creeps. Depending on the bug in question, they can usually lead to infestations only out of someone's nightmares. These bugs clearly wanted their 15 minutes of fame, so they decided to photo bomb the person taking the photo. While out one night, hundreds of bugs descended on the porch light, which was left on

-Lesson learned-don't leave a white light outside. Bugs are attracted to it. It's unclear if the person actually went in the front door or in a back door. But no matter, anyone who encountered a situation like this would not want to risk letting in some, if not all, of the bugs to their house. With lights like this, the only insect you'll be dealing with are moths and mosquitoes

13. Truly annoying!

-Everyone has their own quirks and preferences. Living with roommates teaches you to learn the power of compromising and learning to live with another's quirks. But another side to leaning to live with roommates is learning to tolerate habits that can be annoying or even downright rude. It's a whole new ball game when those "roommates" are your actual family. One look at this photo and you can immediately understand why the person who took this photo sighs in frustration

14. Words don't even begin to describe it...

-This bathtub looks like something straight out of the SAW movies. Heads up, this tub is N-A-S-T-Y with a capital N. Anyone who is a clean freak and loves the satisfaction of a clean room will get hives or a nervous tic just looking at this photo. Apartment complexes of certain ages and generations have their quirks. They are known for having suspicious plumbing, which leads to backups, clogs and other issues. This is because complex owners do not want to fork over the money to a plumbing company to pay for expensive renovations

15. Energy inefficient

-Nowadays, with global warming, everyone is trying to go green, which you can't blame people for. There is energy efficient, eco and green everything, from cars to windows, to lightbulbs to solar energy panels and more. The most annoying thing in the world is trying to find a wall outlet to charge your phone or something else and not finding one. Or if you find one, something else is using up the outlets. The owner of the apartment where this photo was taken was mind boggled when they seen how the electrician took care of this old outlet

-As usual, the landlord wanted to save money. Some landlords are awesome, kind hearted and will give tenants a break during a financial hardship. Some are tight fisted penny pinchers who only care about that monthly rent and don't care about what tenants are in the building or don't care about the faulty layouts or quirks. This second group of landlords don't care if a tenant is sloppy and their sloppiness attracts filthy insects like roaches, which everyone around them must suffer with

16. Here comes the sun

-Just like the song by The Beatles. If you don't immediately squint your eyes looking at this photo, then clearly you've never had vertical blinds. These are almost commonplace in almost every apartment. These blinds are usually cheap, warped to the nines and break easily

17. Fresh paint

-There's something about the smell of fresh paint that allows you to feel like you're giving a room new life. Making that room more lively. There are even low scent or no scent paints now for those with breathing difficulties. This photo, unfortunately, comes from another apartment owner whose landlord would rather get rid of an electrical outlet without actually getting rid of it. Just another way to cut costs at the expense of the tenant

-Not only can the tenant not use the outlet, but by trying to stick something in there to break up the paint, it can cause an electrical fire, it can be considered a fire hazard

18. One is not like the others

-Here is, yet again, another fight in the great debate about light switches. Some houses are goofy in the sense that up is off and down is on. The person who posted this photo says, with a bit of smugness, that originally the switches were in the off position

19. Someone thinking backwards

-Whoever installed these doors must not have had their morning caffeine that day. The doors look like they belong together and would work as they should. Upon closer inspection, looks can be deceiving. The windows on each door are similar in shape, but they're facing opposite directions. How does this happen?

20. Not the biggest fan

-The symmetry of the ceiling design and ceiling fan would be perfect if not for the fan being slightly off center. Clearly whoever installed the fan either doesn't like art or missed the memo completely about the fan being dead center

21. #classicmommove

-Living at home does have its perks. You save money, you get good food. But it does have its irksome moments. Sharing bathrooms, hearing noises of all sorts. But some moms nag people about every little thing. This picture captures what a mother goes through with their child, when the mother leaves their room and forgets to shut it completely

22. What goes up...

-...must always come down. The sister of the person who took this photo endured a moment that induced real fear into her. It occurred during her neighborhood's annual New Year's celebration. She was doing her own thing when a stray bullet sailed through her window! Thankfully, she nor anyone was near the window, but this was a too close call

-Honestly, whoever thinks firing guns into the air during celebrations is a good idea is clearly not among the intelligent. Those bullets must come down. And they usually come down by landing in someone, possibly wounding or even killing them. Or they can land in something, causing damage. It's been known to happen when someone fires a bullet just to scare someone, it lands in someone, grazing, hurting or even killing them

23. Serious security

-Landlords are unpredictable creatures. They can do some odd stuff, even crazy stuff. Some can be wonderful godsends while others are basically, in the eyes of some of their tenants, the Devil himself. This landlord gets the benefit of the doubt and while they meant well, there are a few problems. The tenant who shot this photo had just moved in and requested the locks be changed out and upgraded to something more secure. The landlord accepted the request and got it done, but didn't get the request exactly right

24. Something's not right

-You can usually tell when something isn't right. You'll get this small worry at the back of your mind, the hairs on your neck might raise, or you get suspicious about something. Immediately looking at this photo, you might notice what's wrong. The shelf is at a slight angle, which all but defeats its intended purpose. In this case, it's a shower shelf, which means it can get slippery, which also means it could get dangerous

-With the shelf at a slight angle, if it gets wet, those bottles or anything placed there will come sliding off onto the toes of whoever is showering at the time

25.Round peg in a square hole

-One major perk of living in a rental property is when something goes wrong, you call up the landlord and have them do the repairs for you. While it's nice to have someone to take care of these issues, the other side of that is sometimes they can be more of a hindrance than a help. Their "help" can sometimes aggravate issues and make them worse and more costly. The couple who took this picture had their plastic toilet seat break and requested a new one be installed. Sounds simple right? Wrong

-Either the square shaped toilet seat was more pricy and the landlord didn't want to fork over the $$$ to replace it or it wasn't in stock at the local hardware store, who knows. The funny part is the landlord didn't think there was any problem at all

26. Catastrophe in the shower

-This is truly terrifying! And dangerous! The person who took this photo came home one day to find their shower covered in glass from the glass walls of their shower. Unfortunately, it's a common tale of glass walk in showers. Constant slamming of doors combined with a small crack and suddenly, it looks like a crime scene

27. Sink or sinkhole?

-Apartments are notorious places for cheap installs and using cheap supplies. Why would an apartment owner want nice things they can use everyday? The tenant who took this photo had the worst surprise in their life when they went to wash their dishes one day. The sink came completely away from the cheap laminate countertop, leaving them with a gaping hole and a now non-functional sink

28. The Shin Buster

-We've all done this. Walked into something that is shin height and had a bruise for a week or two. Just looking at this photo makes you wince. The person who took this photo has a mattress that does not quite fit the frame. The metal corner is sticking out, just waiting for its next victim

29. How ironic

-Living with someone comes with its own challenges. It's completely different than living with roommates, friends or parents because they know the most intimate details about you. On one hand, living with your partner shows you the little quirks that make your partner loveable and on the other hand, these quirks can make living with them insufferable. The husband of the woman who took this photo is obsessed with his new computer to the point it's driving his wife crazy

30. Just barely there

-Normally, a hood is supposed to go over a stove to catch steam coming off of the stove. Kitchens are one of the most commonly renovated spaces in houses. People get excited about new appliances that, when cutting and measuring for the cabinets around them, they forget the rule "measure twice, cut once". The owner of the house in which this photo was taken was excited about new cabinets, a new stove and even a new hood vent. There's just one problem...

31. An interesting print...

-After sitting in a chair or seat long enough, those seats take the impressions of their owners. When it comes to online shopping, you must be careful of what you buy. The old phrase "buyer beware" is strong. Since, if you're looking for furniture, you can't feel it and see what it's like, you can instead read feedback and comments and reviews from other buyers to educate yourself. The person who submitted this photo did everything they were supposed to-they read the reviews and still got the shock of their life when this chair arrived

-The kind of material this chair is made of is suede. Suede is famous for holding impressions of whoever sits there. It's unclear whether this is to be an office chair or home chair. But still it's annoying to know it's going to hold an impression of whoever sits there

32. A nightmare only for a perfectionist

-Anyone who owns a house with a deck usually will have to replace the boards eventually. Unless the boards are that new plastic material designed to look like wood, the deck boards will eventually have to be replaced. The homeowner who sent in this photo noticed something was a little off about their deck boards. And it's immediately apparent when you look at the photo. It was have perfectionists everywhere bursting into hives

-Clearly the construction workers were either too lazy to do it correctly and didn't notice the mistake or they were rushing to finish the job to get paid. Either way it resulted in asymmetrical boards

33. Uhh, how about eww?!?!?

-No one likes roaches. They are a sign of a dirty house. When there is one roach, there will usually be more to follow. Roaches attract more roaches. And they are usually expensive and hard to get rid of. But the most problematic breed of roach to get rid of is German roaches. Yes, there is such a thing as a German cockroach. They are, according to all exterminators, the most difficult and most expensive insect to exterminate because it's near impossible to get rid of them all without a lot of hard work because they breed very quickly. They are quickly identified by the females carrying what looks like a square on their back end. Those are the eggs containing, surprise surprise, more roaches

-Landlords are notorious for maintaining properties in not so good fashion. Some take expert care of their properties to ensure their renters stay forever. Some take the cheapest route possible to cut the costs to no end, at the expense of their renters. Clearly this landlord did the cut the cost route. This homeowner noticed one day something was a little off on their wall. Upon closer inspection, they noticed that their idiot landlord took laziness to a whole new level. Instead of getting rid of a dead cockroach, they simply painted over it! I'm sure by now this homeowner has removed the roach. It's part funny because it's a cockroach with its leg out, like it's a dancer in a chorus line. It's also sad and disgusting because that homeowner has to live with a bug normally associated with filth inside their home

34. Clearly dyslexia was at play here

-Normally, with shower drains, they are supposed to drain away the water. You look at the drawing and it shows the drain in a shallow dip. Seems perfectly straightforward. But whoever installed this shower felt the drain needed to be on a step. All but defeats the purpose of a drain

35. Why. Just why?

-This is the burning question you might find yourself asking. If this is supposed to be form of a heating system, it's not going to be very powerful and will only heat a small area. It looks more suited to heating a small room than the large room that room appears to be. It is so small in size it's hard to imagine that being functional in any way. It looks more like something out of a dollhouse

36. Almost does not count here

-What on earth was this installer thinking? They almost had it and somehow had the grate off center. Unlike the air vent grate earlier, this is an actual fully functioning one. It's brand new and crispy shiny clean. It's a bit off center, though. Some people are perfectionists and want it done right. Others really don't care how it looks; it gives their home character. Unfortunately, the straight lines of the hard wood really bring out the crookedness of the vent

37. No place like Hame

-The old saying "there's no place like home" clearly doesn't apply here. Whoever made this sign clearly has no spelling knowledge. The owner of this photo had this home sign hanging over their living room for seven years and when a friend came over one day, this friend pointed out it says "hame" instead of "home". When you look at it, it does say "hame" and not "home"

38. Salt n Pepa

-Not the music group. Normally, containers of salt and pepper are white and black and will say "ground pepper" or "iodized salt" on them. Not these containers. The company who made these bottles made a slight switch

39. Don't judge a book by its cover

-This is an old phrase basically meaning that what you see is not always what you will get. Most if not all readers have that specific quirk of spines of books in or spines of book out. The person who owns these books, their parents made a bad decision and probably don't know it

40. One works, one doesn't

-Clearly the designers of the home or property where this outlet is located don't know basic architecture. The top half of the outlet is useable while the bottom half remains hidden. Judging from the other items on this list, this quirk is not even remotely shocking, no pun intended

41. Open sesame

-Usually uttered by genies in cartoons as the magic password to open secret doors, in the case of this apartment, it's useless. Apartments are known for small, cramped quarters, so every inch of space must be utilized in some way to maximize use. The kitchen is so small it's almost a joke. You can see by the appliances and their scuff marks just how little room there is to navigate. Some architects would call this a "galley kitchen" because of its small size. Some just call it small

42. Soft and fuzzy

-Every decade has those trends that either make a successful comeback or when they come back, we scratch our heads in confusion or slap our foreheads in frustration. The one trend from the 1960s and 1970s that should never make a comeback is bathroom carpet. If you live in a house with a man, you know there's a 99.99% chance when he's using the toilet, he'll miss. Bathrooms get pretty steamy and humid, especially if you're taking a hot shower. Just the thought of hot, moist carpet will give anyone nightmares. Clearly this designer didn't get the memo

43. Door 1 or Door 2?

-There have been a lot of photos of asymmetrical, off center and uneven home features. This photo proves that a match has finally been scored. The house where these doors are located are symmetrical. Despite the doors looking stately, there's a little surprise waiting inside

44. The great dorm debate

-Living in a dorm has its own unique pros and cons. Some of the pros are that you feel like a real adult, living on your own, doing your own chores, eating what you want and more. Some of the cons include having to go out of your dorm down the hall to a shower room, where there are multiple stalls for people. Living with a complete stranger who might have habits you don't agree with and more. Dorms and apartment buildings for college students change things pretty frequently. Be suspicious. Sometimes things don't always go according to plan. The person who lives in this dorm had a rude awakening one day when they found new and improved locks on the door

45. Eggs, racon and milk

-Bacon, eggs and milk sound like the best breakfast ever! But, according to this sign, it's "eggs, racon and milk" with the words on the corresponding animals they come from. You'd either have to be a lunatic or vegan not to enjoy one of the best breakfasts in the world. But whoever made this sign made a spelling error

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