Tuesday, November 7, 2023

50 of the most haunted places in the world Pt. 2

Everyone loves a good ghost story. Some have a rather touching sentiment about them, meaning that the resident ghost is a benevolent spirit, meaning no harm, but being rather protective or even curious. Others lean towards the opposite end-malevolent, bent on destruction, chaos and violence. Here are 50 of the world's most haunted places, according to Explore.com.

25. Ledge Lighthouse-New London, Connecticut

-Now manned by the Coast Guard, at one point there were people who lived and worked here, and one didn't want to leave. The first person to look after this structure was a man named Ernie. He still makes his presence known to this day. Visitors have reported activity such as doors opening / closing on their own, TVs suddenly turning on. Some have even witnessed a bearded man walking throughout the building. This lighthouse offers tours during the summer

-Read more about it in Weird Encounters: True Tales of Haunted Places by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

26. Villisca Axe Murder House-Villisca, Iowa

-With a name like this, it's almost guaranteed to be haunted. On the night of June 12, 1912, Josiah B. Moore and his family settled in for the night. They never woke up. They were murdered in their beds. No one was ever arrested and convicted of their murder. Visitors claim to see the spirit of a man with an axe in his hands and hearing children crying. The house was even renovated back to its original condition when it was built, meaning no plumbing or electricity

27. Anderson Triple Axe Murder Site-Waynesville, Ohio

-Located in the large, peaceful city of Waynesville, originally on the site was a two story home close to the road. Willie Evert Anderson, his mother, aunt and cousin lived in that two story home. On Sept. 4, 1879, he put on a homemade mask, tied with string around his head and brutally murdered these individuals. It was not until about a week later that these individuals were discovered. The smell of death seeped through the walls and doors and let individuals outside know that something was not quite right inside that home. Local law enforcement entered the home to find the three women slaughtered, at the hands of their relative, with an axe. When police interrogated Willie, he didn't say anything about who his accomplice was or if there was an accomplice. He found murder endlessly fascinating and wanted to traverse the dark, sinister path to becoming a murderer. Now on the site sits a one story ranch house with stenciled green shutters and a constantly there FOR RENT sign. No one wants to live in the house because of all of the paranormal activity. From strange sounds of things hitting the floor, said to be the axe hitting the floor, to bloodstains appearing in the floor that, no amount of scrubbing or sanding, will remove

-Read more about it in Cincinnati Ghosts by Karen Laven

28. Gettysburg Battlefield-Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

-Considered one of THE MOST HISTORIC sites in the US, it's fame came from gruesome reasons. It was a location during the Civil War. It's where some of the bloodiest battles during the Civil War were waged. The people who died here are said to still haunt the place. Visitors have reported seeing misty forms of soldiers, hearing cannons fired, hearing gun shots and the screams of those wounded. The most commonly reported area to see and here this activity is The Devil's Den, a location where bodies and limbs were found after the war

29. Moundsville Penitentiary-Moundsville, West Virginia

-This castle-like structure housed more than 1,000 inmates while in operation. 94 of those inmates were executed. Those who didn't die by execution were subjected to tragic deaths. A maintenance worker was stabbed to death by inmates. Visitors report seeing spirits of former inmates lurking around. Book a sunset tour to give yourself the maximum chance of seeing a spirit

-Read more about it in Weird Encounters: True Tales of Haunted Places by Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman 

30. Amityville Horror House-Long Island, New York

-This Dutch Colonial house on Long Island has long been known as a paranormal hotspot. Books and even films were created to tell this sinister tale. It started when the DeMeo family was murdered here in 1974. A year later, a family with the last name Lutz moved in. Soon, the horrifying paranormal activity started. One occurrence involved liquid oozing down the walls. Flies would frequently appear in the house. Beds levitated. Doors slammed shut. Knives flew through the air. As it is not surprising, the family only lasted 28 days in the home before selling it

31. Toowoomba, Australia

-It's rare when you hear about a whole town that is haunted. An old home that's haunted? Sure, perfectly normal. A whole town? Not likely. But that is the story of Toowoomba, Australia. It's known as the paranormal capital of Australia. A house owned by the De Molay family was home to several girls who committed suicide. A local railway station is home to the spirit of a woman killed there in the 1930s. A local movie theater is haunted by a woman who became sick and died. The ghost of a woman named Maggie Hume haunts Ascot House after dying from taking poison. Despite it's macabre haunted history, it's a bustling town

32. Akershus Fortress-Oslo, Norway

-With its grim history, no wonder it's a paranormal hotspot. During the 18th and 19th centuries, prisoners of war were kept here and many never left. During WWII, the Nazis took over this fortress and executed people here. The spirit seen most often is that of a dog. A puppy used to guard the fortress and was buried at Maid Towers. Now, as legend suggests, if you encounter the spirit of this dog, you will die within three months. If you decide to pay a visit, tread very carefully

33. Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum- Cincinnati, Ohio

-This beautiful cemetery and park was built out of horribly morbid necessity. The cholera epidemic was sweeping the Ohio Valley and taking many lives. Many other graveyards were becoming full quickly. This plot of land was the answer to the future. It's large enough to accommodate the dead while also providing natural beauty like that of a park. There are several spots in this locale that can really turn heads and provide goosebumps. Speaking of turning heads, in Lot 100 is said to contain the bust of a man who will actually turn his head to watch passersby. The bust is of C.C. Breuer, an optometrist who loved his job more than anything. His final wish was to have a bust with his eyes inside. Of course that is impossible; the eyes would have already rotted out. Instead, his eyes are made of the most realistic-looking glass you've ever seen. It's said that the bust will turn its head to keep its eyes on those who pass by. Another spooky spot is the Dexter Memorial. This looming Gothic structure is hard to miss; you pass right by it upon entering. It's said that if you stand on one of the porches overlooking the grounds, you'll see two brilliantly white, shining dogs. They are said to be harbingers of bad luck and the hapless victim who sees them will be forever plagued with bad luck

-Read more about it in Cincinnati Ghosts by Karen Laven, Weird Ohio by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran and Cincinnati Haunted Handbook by Jeff and Michael Morris

The Dexter Memorial

This bust, of optometrist C.C. Breuer, is said to rotate its head to keep its realistic-looking eyes on passersby

34. Highgate Cemetery, London, England

-This beautiful Victorian cemetery is both hauntingly beautiful and haunted. It's home to over 50,000 gravesites, including some notables like Karl Marx, George Eliot and Douglas Adams. The paranormal activity here began in the 1960s, when the spirit of a tall man with glowing eyes and a top hat would be seen around the graveyard. He was dubbed the "Highgate Vampire" and lured vampire hunters from all over to see if they could find him

-Read more about it in National Geographic Supernatural Places by Sarah Bartlett

35. Sloss Furnace, Birmingham, Alabama

-Death was just another part of business here at this pig iron production facility. Workers fell into molten steel. Workers were caught and dragged into the machinery to be crushed to death. Others fell from catwalks after becoming disoriented from the methane emissions or died from being scalded by hot steam. One cruel manager, named James "Slag" Wormwood, was particularly cruel. He often uttered "Push some steel!" or "Get back to work!" No pity. No mercy. No breaks. No holidays. Those were his rules. One day he fell from a catwalk and fell right into "Big Alice", the largest blast furnace on the property. It's unclear if he was pushed or became disoriented from the methane emissions. This location is HIGHLY HAUNTED. Steam whistles blow on their own. Footsteps and screams are heard. Shadowy figures, orbs, mists have been seen. And on top of all that, a highly aggressive menacing presence haunts this location, thought to be old Wormwood himself. He's thought to burn people or yell at visitors "Push some steel!" or "Get back to work!" One security guard who was working here was found in a closet with third degree burns over 80% of his body. He was taken to the local hospital, where he died from his injuries

-Read more about it in Weird Encounters: True Tales of Haunted Places by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

36. Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary-San Francisco, California

-Known as "The Rock", this island prison in San Francisco Bay is almost literally unescapable. This location housed some of the most notorious criminals during its operation. One story here involves inmates named Croy, Cretzer and Hubbard, who were shot while trying to escape. Guards reported hearing loud clanking sounds in the location of their death. Cell 14D, a solitary confinement room, is a particular hotspot where a prisoner was found strangled after screaming all night. Cell Block C is where "The Butcher", a former mob hitman, was found murdered. Famous Chicago gangster Al Capone called this place home for a while. In his cell, he would play the banjo. After a while, guards heard screaming coming from his cell. When they got to his cell, they found old "Scarface" Capone huddled in the corner, a look of fear on his eyes. He claimed the spirit of a victim of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre started appearing to him, causing him to slip slowly into insanity. You can hear banjo music playing around his old cell

37. Pond Run Road-New Richmond, Ohio

-This long, windy road running alongside the Mitchell Memorial Forest in New Richmond has ghost stories galore. With its massive woods, it feels suffocating at times, as if the forest is closing in on you. This road is said to be haunted by a "Hook Man". I'm sure you're familiar with this urban legend. The story for Ohio's own Hook Man is this. A doctor and his wife lived along Pond Run Road with their child, who exhibited bizarre behavior. His behavior was impulsive and even violent on occasions. Because people trusted him for his medical prowess, it looked bad on him to have a son exhibiting strange behavior, especially in times when mental illnesses were not fully understood by the medical communities. The parents kept him chained in the basement to prevent him from causing trouble. One night, during a particularly violent thunderstorm, lightning struck the house and ignited it. Smoke took the lives of the doctor and his wife. Still chained in the basement, the boy, now mostly likely a man, saw his own death flickering closer. Through some sort of miracle, probably adrenaline, he was able to escape, only with the expense of leaving his hand behind. He is said to stalk the lover's lanes here. Some of the paranormal activity here includes mists, orbs and the sounds of something walking through the woods. People living near the woods claim there is evidence that someone is living in the woods, from various food containers all around to stone rings where fires are contained, but no humans are ever glimpsed at these sites

-Read more about it in Cincinnati Ghosts by Karen Laven

38. Rose Hall Plantation-Montego Bay, Jamaica

-The ghost residing here is so well known that legendary musician Johnny Cash even wrote a song about her called "The Ballad of Annie Palmer". This house is haunted by the spirit of a woman named Annie Palmer, also known as the "White Witch of Rose Hall". Legend has it that after her parents died, her nanny started taking care of young Annie. She taught Annie witchcraft and voodoo. Later on, Annie killed three of her husbands and several of her slaves before a slave killed her. This house offers nightly ghost tours, where you're bound to see at least one spirit

-Read more about it in National Geographic Supernatural Places by Sarah Bartlett

39. The Fairmont Empress-Victoria, British Columbia

-This beautiful hotel on the bay in British Columbia has strange activity occurring here. In the 1920s, a turret without a door was built here. One day, out of nowhere, a pillow and blanket appeared in that room. On the sixth floor is the spirit of an old woman looking for her room. A long deceased maid is on that same floor, doing her duties. And in no particular spot of the hotel is the spirit of a little girl who appears all over the hotel. There's even the spirit of Francis Rattenbury, the architect of the hotel, who is said to be wandering around with a cane

40. Strater Hotel-Durango, Colorado

-Built in 1893, this red brick hotel is right on the main street of Durango; it's hard to miss. One of the most common sightings here is that of a woman white and a railway engineer hanging out in the lobby. Other occurrences include orbs

41. Union Cemetery-Easton, Connecticut

-This 400 year old New England cemetery has been visited by every paranormal investigator known to this day, including famed investigating couple Ed and Lorraine Warren. They even wrote about it in their book Graveyard: True Hauntings From An Old New England Cemetery. Out of the tons of paranormal activity here, the most common sighting is a woman in white, either a wedding dress or nightgown who appears in the middle of Route 59 and is hit by a car. When the driver gets out to help, she disappears

42. Fort Delaware-Delaware City, Delaware

-Said to be one of the more haunted spots in the state, this location features tons of ghosts. Visitors claim the dungeons are haunted while some also say the kitchen is haunted. The main type of spirit seen here are the Confederate soldiers who were once imprisoned here. They create cold spots, make noises. The investigators from television show Ghost Hunters managed to capture a thermal image of a mysterious figure lurking around

43. Old Idaho State Penitentiary-Boise, Idaho

-Known as "Old Pen", this building operated as a prison from 1872-1973. It's home to inmates who never left, even in death. One particular spirit here is said to be Raymond Allen Snowden, who was the Idaho answer to Jack the Ripper. He was hung for his crimes here and since then, visitors have felt someone touching them, hearing whispers, seeing lights and feeling an overwhelming sense of despair

44. Waverly Hills Sanitorium-Louisville, Kentucky

-This location has been investigated by every nationally and locally known group. This former tuberculosis hospital opened when the "white plague", known as tuberculosis or consumption, was sweeping the area. Nurses and doctors here believed fresh air would help the patients. The doctors and nurses were sweet and sincere in their care of the patients, even if it wasn't successful. An old delivery tunnel on site, used to deliver groceries, had been changed into a more macabre use-taking out bodies of those who perished from the disease. This was to keep the patients from seeing how many bodies were being taken out. When the hospital closed in 1962, a nursing home opened up there not long afterwards. Unlike the sincere, considerate nursing that was done during the days of the hospital, the nursing home had rampant patient abuse and soon closed. Lights flicker here, shadowy figures are seen. And on the fifth floor, outside room 502, is the spirit of a nurse who became pregnant and committed suicide

-Read about it more in Weird Kentucky by Mark Sceurman, Mark Moran and Jeffrey Scott Holland and Weird Encounters: True Tales of Haunted Places by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

45. Big Bone Lick State Park-Union, Kentucky

-This beautiful, wooded expansive state park is the last place you'd expect to be haunted. But the thing is, hauntings can happen anywhere. The most haunted location here is the old Methodist Church. The organ is said to play by itself. During the annual Salt Festival, Native Americans camping in the park state they rise early in the morning to see other Native Americans traversing in old style Native American clothing. Balls of light will move to and from various places.

-Read more about it in Cincinnati Ghosts by Karen Laven

46. Deserted Village-Achill Island, Ireland

-80 cottages, at least 800 years old, remain on Achill Island in Ireland. The last time anyone lived there was the early 20th century. Shadowy figures, said to be former residents, haunt there. It used to be a formerly popular camping destination, but locals have warned people to stay away from there at night. Because creepy activity happens there

47. Lake Ronkonkama-Long Island, New York

-This mile-long lake on Long Island in New York has a dark history. In the 1600s, a local Native American tribe settled there. A young woman named Tuskawanta saw a handsome, young, blonde woodcutter across the water. She immediately fell in love. Her father forbade her from seeing the young man. She sent him letters on bark to float across the lake. After not getting a response, she stabs herself in the heart. Every year since then, the "Lady of the Lake" has taken at least one male soul to their grave, in order to replace her love. Out of the at least 160 drownings there between the 1800s and 1970s, only three drownings were women

48. Hull House, Chicago, Illinois

-This unique house in Chicago was built by a wealthy landowner and developer named Charles Hull. His wife, Millicent, died in the house in 1860 from an unknown illness. Another death on site was Irene Donner, a young woman shot outside by her former fiancee. The most popular legend about this house is that of the Devil Baby. A young immigrant woman had a picture of the Virgin Mary in her house. She prayed to it piously. Her husband, unhappy with the picture, declared he would rather have the Devil in his house than the Virgin Mary. He certainly got his wish because when his pregnant wife gave birth, the baby was born with horns, cloven hooves and a forked tail. Unfortunately, the baby died not long after birth. But some people believe the baby was done away with to prevent him from exerting his diabolical influence on the planet. Today, if you ask to investigate the Hull House for the supposed "Devil Baby", simply ask permission because Hull House staff are so used to questions from paranormal investigators. It's said that if you hear a gurgling noise, it's the Devil Baby. If you hear crying as well, it's also the Devil Baby. It's said that if you hear gurgling or a baby crying, you'll be plagued with bad luck

49. Trenton Psychiatric Hospital-Trenton, New Jersey

-Unlike most haunted hospitals that close, this one is still open and taking new patients. The spirits haunting here are former patients. Dr. Henry Cotton became the medical director here in 1907 and he employed harsh methods of treating mental illnesses. These included surgery without anesthesia, even removing organs. In the halls, screaming can be heard from these long dead patients

50. Hotel Alex Johnson-Rapid City, South Dakota

-Rooms 802 or 812 are said to be the most active locations here. People still claim to see the spirit of the owner, Alex Johnson, hanging around. He died in the hotel in 1938 and is known, in terrifying ways, to make his presence known. Visitors have noted such activity as hearing music, windows opening, the feeling of being choked or the words "help me" on a fogged mirror

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