Saturday, January 27, 2024

James Jagger on the show Vinyl: "I'm not rabble-rouser"

James Jagger, who strongly resembles his father, is on a new HBO drama called Vinyl, which depicts the life and times of a punk band in 1973 New York

On HBO, debuting Feb. 14 of this year is a drama called Vinyl, which centers around a record executive, played by Bobby Cannavale, who is trying to navigate trying to sell his label and the 1973 punk explosion in New York. One of the punks he runs into is Kip, played by James Jagger. When he comes on stage, those watching, especially those who are fans of The Rolling Stones, might notice something eerie-there's a lot of similarities between Kip on stage and Mick Jagger on stage. Juno Temple plays an A&R assistant he's seeing. When asked what he cares about, his reply is "Fighting, f---ing. Nothing."

During an interview with W Magazine, James Jagger lays it out about filming, the 1970s, his father.

Magazine: The pilot is almost two hours long. It is so cinematic. And that last scene...

James: It really makes you want to see what comes next. At the same time, it's one of the cheapest Martin Scorsese movies ever made [laughs]

Magazine: Your character is a little bit of an anarchist, a little bit of a nihilist. Was it hard to get into his head?

James: It was definitely a process, and it was definitely fun to play. I don't think it was super hard to get into his head per se, but there were some elements that were unpleasant. He's got a huge amount of pain; it can be a little tiring to wear that. The thing I found was that when you've to portray someone cold and unpleasant, I ended up feeling bad for the other actors I was playing against. I have to go give Juno a hug at the end of the day. To be like "All's fair in love and war..."

Magazine: "...and acting."

James: Exactly

Magazine: Kip seems pure, like the effects of the heroin he shoots.

James: There's a lot more to him. He puts up a very strong front, but I feel like as the season progresses the character really does have a bit of a revolution. He's definitely pure, but he's kind of burnt as well-there's a kind of jadedness, too.

Magazine: Did you base him on anyone?

James: Not as I'm playing him, but there're certainly bits and pieces I took from people of that era. In particular, maybe...I dunno, I identify with Richard Hell [American punk musician] at times. But Kip is definitely his own person. Musically, there are other influences.

Magazine: I read that you wrote the song Kip's band, The Nasty Bits, plays?

James: Yes. One of them is played in the pilot, when we have a lot of s--- thrown at us onstage [laughs]

Magazine: Does it sound anything like the music you write?

James: With my band? I wouldn't say so. We really tried to write something to fit with the cultural backdrop of that time. I'm no longer playing with those guys, but we used to play around a bit more with fantastical, esoteric things rather than kitchen-sink drama, which is what The Nasty Bits play with.

Magazine: When you're performing onstage as Kip, with your makeup, you do resemble your father quite a bit.

James: I got asked in an interview whether I try to play up my likeness to him. [laughs]. Yes, I'm using my acting prowess to play up my likeness to my father, it was nothing to do with the fact that I'm his son. I thought that was quite funny. 

Magazine: Did he have any insights in to the scene to share with you?

James: He was really open about that time. I riffed with him about New York during that period. He had a few good anecdotes, but he's also really into his history. He really had a grasp on what was going on politically and socially. It was all really helpful for me.

Magazine: Your comment recently that you prefer The Kinks to The Rolling Stones has caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

James: It was totally a tongue-in-cheek comment! I was asked whether I prefer The Beatles or The Rolling Stones. That's the question I'm asked constantly. So my response was flatly, with a straight face, "I prefer The Kinks." You know? Like, I don't know...

Magazine: And now everyone's misconstrued your joke.

James: I guess so. It's just a ridiculous thing. I love all three bands. Why should you have to choose? Why do you have to be a cat or a dog person, they're both great animals.

Magazine: How did you get involved with Project Zero?

James: I started working with them three years ago. I thought it was such an exciting new way to approach maritime conservation.

Magazine: Now you're on the board of directors. Is it in your nature to organize and cheerlead? You seem pretty laid back.

James: No, it's just something I'm passionate about. I'm not a rabble-rouser in any way.

Magazine: Right, you've always kept a low profile. With this role-with your father and Martin Scorsese involved-you must've known your cover would be blown.

James: Yeah. I've always enjoyed anonymity. But it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with Marty. I don't know anyone who would say no, despite any weird moments I might experience on public transport.

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