Tuesday, February 27, 2024

10 health benefits of visiting theme parks

Whether you believe it or not, there are health benefits to visiting theme parks. All the walking you do burns off any unhealthy food you may have eaten. You can sweat out any bad stuff. Going on rides gets the adrenaline racing and thus, destroys stress.

1. A lot of walking

Walking is perfect cardio. It gets the heart rate up and thus, allows you to burn calories. Perfect for burning off that pretzel you bought or the pizza you ate

2. Burn calories on the coasters and fast rides

While riding these intense rides, you are actually burning calories screaming and riding those intense rides

3. Reduce stress

This is a big one for a lot of people. Riding roller coasters and going to theme parks can drastically reduce stress. Our brains release the "good fear" feeling, telling the rest of our bodies that, despite the nauseating drops and zig zagging tracks, the rides are "safe". They become therapeutic and thus, allow us to relax and have fun. And besides, if it was not safe, the attendants would not allow anyone on

4. Boost for mood

You get an incredibly high adrenaline rush after riding a roller coaster. It will leave you happy and excited. It's said that the higher the altitude, the more endorphins that get released. These are the good chemicals. The ones that are usually associated with good feelings. The endorphins sharpen your senses and makes you feel recharged. Going to theme parks is a great way to improve your mood and reduce stress

5. Adrenaline rush

Nothing gets the heart pumping like slowing climbing a hill to go sailing over it down a steep hill. Roller coasters and thrill rides get the adrenaline pumping through your body. The endorphins that get released in our bodies is responsible for the "good fear" we experience. It gives you the same natural high as if you had just finished a set of intense exercise

6. Muscle toner

As you're getting tossed from side to side around the curves on roller coasters and going down steep drops, you're actually building muscle. When you anticipate the drops and curves, you're especially working your core muscles, the same types of muscles you'd normally exercise at the gym

7. Great for workouts

This is a great workout. Your body is releasing adrenaline and endorphins, which is telling you "again, again". These chemicals help work out your muscles and cause you to start sweating, even while walking through the park. Going to a theme park will give you the same amount of exercise as a day at the gym

8. Defeating fears

It can be fearsome going to a theme park. Looking at the rides from the ground up can be daunting. But, looks are deceiving. If the rides weren't safe, no one would be allowed on. Going to theme parks is a perfect way to overcome fear. Fear of large crowds and thrill rides actually harms the immune system. Visiting theme parks helps you overcome this fear. Just plunge head first into the crowd and you will find increased confidence, self esteem and overcome fears. Just remember, everyone is probably going to be as nervous as you riding that big coaster. And it also helps to talk to veteran riders of the ride; they'll tell you how it is on the rides

9. Strengthen bonding time with family and friends

It's no surprise that amusement parks make popular destinations for vacations. Families and groups of friends will go to amusement parks together. You'll create memories, have fun, get away from the autopilot way of life and get entertainment

10. Great for socialization

You can meet all sorts of people at amusement parks. You can meet locals and even citizens of other countries and cultures. Going with a group of people provides ample opportunity to meet people. Even being with a group, you can still talk to people who seem interesting to you

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