Friday, March 22, 2024

10 Questions to Phil Campbell

For all you Motorhead fans out there, I'm sure there are burning questions you need the answer to on members of Motorhead. Here are 10 questions that were asked to Phil Campbell

A brief backstory of Phil Campbell is included in the interview these questions are from. He grew up in Pontypridd. He was inspired to play guitar because of Jimi Hendrix. He met Lemmy Kilmister while Kilmister was still in the 1970s band Hawkwind.

The interview from theartsdesk was conducted by Thomas H. Green, most likely one of the employees there. He states Campbell has a strong Welsh accent and a very infectious sense of humor.

Thomas H. Green: What do you reckon to that shrill, high pitched voice so many heavy metal singers use, the one that sounds like Led Zep-era Robert Plant but even more screechy?

Phil Campbell: It's time to go and make a cup of tea then, isn't it? I'm not keen. I like a good tone. Just because you're hitting the high notes, well, some dogs might like it. You might get a pack of dogs following you round. Some people like it too. I couldn't sing like that. I don't think many people can sing like that. Those that do, and with so much ease, they think it's really cool but it's not for me. I'd rather listen to Johnny Cash. He wouldn't have been into the screamers, would he? He'd probably have just taken a gun out and shot them. He wouldn't have put up with that bull----, anyhow

1. What's a normal day home in Pontypridd for Phil Campbell?

-Well, I didn't get up until ten today but sometimes I'm up at six. I just can't sleep. I usually get up and walk my dogs, three Bichon Frise called Ozzy, Angel and Leah. Then I might plod a bit on the guitar, have a read - at the moment I'm reading Heaven and Hell, the autobiography of Don Felder of The Eagles. I read a lot of rock biographies. Then I'll do a bit of cooking, maybe go for a game of snooker with my brother, then walk the dogs again. Nothing too exciting then. 

2. How do you feel about having your album given away with a special edition of Classic Rock Magazine?

-We did it before [with previous album The World is Yours] and it's fine. Well, I don't have any problem with it anyway. Classic Rock's a great magazine, one of my preferred reads because it's kind of my era. I just hope people like the record.

3. Do you prefer playing Motorhead's thrashier, more metal songs or bluesier numbers such as  "Lost Woman Blues" from the new album?

-Both really. I wouldn't want to play all one type. I wouldn't want to play all mental stuff. You need a nice balance. We got 14 songs together for this record which is more than we've ever done before. That's quite surprising for three old geezers but we took our time on it, wrote some songs early last year, wrote a few bits touring, then had time to reflect and record it properly. There were no major problems. Everyone knows what they're doing and what needs to be done.

4. How was filming that Kronenberg ad where you did an acoustic version of "Ace of Spades"?

-I wouldn't mind doing a few more acoustic bits and pieces. That Kronenberg ad they mocked up a French bar on the outskirts of LA. It was a good laugh, guys wearing berets, and took one day's filming.

5. Do you ever get sick of Lemmy being the focus of the band, the one all the media want to speak to? Do you ever wish the spotlight swung your way?

-It doesn't bother me, actually. I feel sorry for Lemmy all the time because he's such a recognizable chap. He can't really go anywhere without people staring at him, asking him things, shouting "Ace of Spades" in his face. We split everything three ways but I get to sneak around most of the time largely unnoticed which suits me fine. Lemmy's a legend and he can cope. He's used to it all by now.

6. He's had well documented health problems over the last year. Is he all right?

-He's just building up his stamina. He's moved into a new house in LA. After a nice summer break we're all getting ready for the tour to start. He's moved out of the cramped flat which was featured in the film Lemmy. He's keeping that for storage as his new place is down the road on the same street. He's keeping the old place for some of his memorabilia. He'll have two places but you couldn't even fit a Rizla paper in that old flat anymore. It was that jammed. It was a mess in 1990 when he moved in. Imagine what it's like now. He put a train set up in there last year - that must have been fun, but it'll never do one full lap of the track.

7. What's your favorite Hawkwind song?

-"Psychedelic Warlords" from The Hall of the Mountain Grill. I like the way the riff starts up, a little bit of a delay on it. I always get excited about that. That album was the tour I first saw Hawkwind and met Lem when I was 12, like

8. My favorite Motorhead album is 1916, How was it to make?

-We did it at Music Grinder in Los Angeles. That was the last one with Philthy drumming [original Motorhead drummer Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor]. Peter Solley produced it and did some great work. It was the first album we made when we'd all moved to LA, a lot of fun and a sparkling sharp attacking sound. I was talking to someone the other day and he said that if you listen to each track in alphabetical order it works even better. So you listen to "Angel City" first and so on. He reckons that's amazing...well, it's something to do when you're at a loose end, eh. I spent a couple of years off and on in LA but I'd rather be back here. When you're Welsh, you're Welsh, innit. Never stray far from the valleys.

9. Do you concur with Lemmy's anti-religion stance?

-Well, it's all bull----, innit. I don't believe any of it, really. It just causes trouble all the time when you take religion too seriously. Turn on the news any day and you see what happens.

10. This year is your 30th anniversary with the band - what have three decades in Motorhead taught you?

-Don't let the bastards grind you down.

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