Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Day 15-Something That Has Happened to You

I'm not really even sure what to put here. But, here goes...

Something that happened to me, I suppose, is when me and my sister were younger and still living with our dad in Bellevue, KY, we were watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey on DVD. It was near the holidays and our tradition was that we always watch Christmas movies around the holidays. We still do it, except it's mostly my sister and mom considering we live with her and our stepdad and I work 12-13 hour days ever since Nov. 25. Anyway, we were watching that holiday movie when we hear the door start rattling, as if someone was trying to turn it. The screen door opened and we knew it was opened because it squeaked. Our dad looked through the peephole and seen someone trying to open the door. He scared them away by turning on the porch light. After they scattered like roaches to the light, he called the police. The office told our dad that a lot of people on our block have been noticing suspicious people hanging in the large field and copse of woods behind our houses, most likely scoping them out for break-ins and robberies. A neighbor up the street had his garage broken into and a lot of expensive power tools stolen from him. He said he needed them since his job was to fix up houses for real estate agencies to re-sell. After that, we started leaving the porch light on, to say that someone is home. That's at least what the police told us. Even over here in Delhi Township, a small part of Cincinnati, OH, that's what we do. We leave the porch light on because our stepdad works second shift and comes home late. We also want people to know that someone is home.

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