Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Day 16-Something You're Afraid Of

This should be simple


Simply put, I am afraid of spiders!! Growing up the house me and my sister lived in in Bellevue, KY, the house was old. I mean like World War II-era old. In fact, tied to the gas pipe in the basement of the house was an old red tag talking about enemy bombing, which I can only assume means the Japanese. Anyway, I HATE SPIDERS!! I am scared to death of them. What really stinks is that the house I lived in for the first 20 years of my life always had at least one spider or two in the garage that somehow made it into the house. One time, our dad called the Poison Control Center about a suspicious looking spider on the outside of the house. He described it as a brown-looking spider with some sort of marking on its back. The center told him to back away quickly as it was one of the world's most deadly spiders, the brown recluse spider. My dad asked how to dispose of it and they told him to contact an exterminator to get rid of them. So, after paying $200 to exterminate the house for any other little eight legged deadlies running around, we were good. But still, the sight of spiders makes me tense and cringe. What is also scary is that when my stepdad was at his mother's house one time, he was leaving and saw a black widow spider coming down from the roof. He knew it was the deadly one because he saw the red hour glass. He took a baseball bat to it and killed it. It seems like everywhere I go there are the eight legged fear inducers I hate. If I see a black spider, I automatically go into panic mode, thinking it is a black widow or if I see a brown spider, I start looking for a fiddle-shaped mark on the back, a strong sign of a brown recluse!!

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