Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Heart-Warming Stories That Put a Little Faith Back in Humanity Pt I

Anymore, all we hear are negative stories on the news and read them on the internet. But how often do we get to read stories where someone else thinks of others before themselves? Stories of people helping one another? It's not too often. Here are some good stories of others helping others.

1. A cute cat

-Let's face it. Animals are smarter than us. Crows can learn to use tools. Pigs recognize their reflections in mirrors. Dogs can be trained to medical alert dogs to detect changes in our bodies and know if a medical emergency is afoot

-Clearly this kitten is intelligent when they see humans exchanging green stuff to get fish

2. One Bus Ride Can Change A Lot of Things
-Homeless people on the street is nothing new. Some are friendly in their approach. Others are aggressively begging, almost threatening people if they don't fork over some money. There are not too many people who take the time to contemplate new ways of helping them
-This woman's idea of helping people was using her bus rides to help the homeless get jobs. Judging from the scream, she got the news she wanted-the man she was helping was able to secure employment. She got a call that proved her actions are working

3. Heroic Firefighters

-Firefighters are among the toughest around. The men and women that fight fires are some of the real heroes out there. Their job is tough; wearing heavy gear, fighting 100+ degree blazes. But it all pays off when lives are saved.

-The father died, but was brought back to life by one of these heroes. Now the firefighter gets to meet the son whose father he saved

4. Mother's memory

-We all have good and bad memories of parents. Sometimes, when they've been gone a while, the smallest things will remind us of the good times

-Here's the moral: don't second guess yourself. If you can do something kind for another, do it without a second thought. The person in this story got the memory of a lifetime-hearing her mother's voice all because of a stranger reaching out via social media

5. Wow, what a journey

-Halle Bailey is making a name for herself as not only the first black actress to play the Disney princess Ariel, who was originally a redhead, in The Little Mermaid, but also as a singer

-Her grandfather came from hard times. Watching his father pick cotton is a pretty good indicator that not only was his father a sharecropper, but his son was too

6. Overcome the past

-The old saying "you can never change your past" is true. You can't go back in time to change your past because it would alter your future. The Back to the Future films should teach you that. Coming from families that are physically or emotionally abusive will have you definitely not wanting a family of your own. And there's also the worry of passing on that same behavior to your kids. It's a vicious cycle that's nearly impossible to break

-It can be overcome. With a little hard work and dedication, every obstacle can be overcome

7. Kindness at the Beach

-Love can overcome all, whether it be skin tones, religions, languages and more. When the person who offered this story, a Muslim woman lost her hijab, the traditional head covering worn by Muslim women, leaving her feeling bare and exposed, another woman came up to her and gave it back to her

-While the woman who offered help didn't have the same cultural issues as the Muslim woman, the thought behind the action is still what counts. The kindness behind the action is important

8. Hair from the Heart

-We all have read about the battles cancer patients have to fight. Losing hair is the #1 issue. A lot of companies make wigs for patients out of real hair donated by salons and barber shops. But what some of these companies don't put out there is that these patients often have to pay a lot of $$$ for these wigs. Losing hair during a cancer battle may not seem like a big deal, but it's part of your identity

-This woman's son grew his hair out just to make a wig for his mother. And it worked out for both of them. They're both incredibly happy

9. A mother's love

-When someone loses a child, it can be traumatic. You pour your love into other sources just to get through the grief. This woman put all of her love into the canine variety

-Even though Daisy lost all of her puppies in a barn fire, she looks so joyful and content taking care of the foster puppies. She gets to be a dog mom after all

10. Fancy

-Getting expressions of love and support are always gratifying. This poster got some love and support from an unexpected source-a cleaning lady

-It's incredibly sweet that the maid wishes this man happy pride month. She calls it the month your people celebrate being fancy. How sweet of her

11. What a Steve

-There's a concept out there that people who get nicknamed "Karen" are people who insist on seeing the manager at stores for the stupidest things or insist on not following the rules. People who are actually named Karen get stereotyped for this bad behavior. And to have your named used as an insult and swear word must be worse

-There are good people named Steve. Like, for example, the bottom right corner. If it was not for Steve Irwin, a lot of kids would not have learned about the various animals that inhabit our planet

12. Joy in the little things

-It's always better to find joy in the simple things in life. Take this mouse, for example. Someone thought it was a good idea to give her an ultrasound. Afterwards, she was on cloud nine, getting warm air from a hair dryer to dry her off after getting the ultrasound goo off

-This mouse looks like she is on cloud nine. She's enjoying every second of that lovely warm air

13. Women can play sports too

-Women are fighting a big battle to have their sports accepted right alongside men's sports. Many people don't find women's sports exciting or don't want to give them a try. Clearly, one bar owner decided to give it a try and it turned out to work

-Whatever is the key to success for this bar owner, it needs to be repeated

14. Repair, Reuse, Recycle

-It seems like when something looks less new and looks old, dated, we just throw it out without a second thought. Many cultures are incredibly wasteful in their mindsets. If it's old, we throw it out. If it's broken, we just throw it out and get something new. But many people are taking the liberty of repairing, reusing and even recycling items into something new

-It's always important to learn how to repair, reuse and recycle. It was done in the eras of our grandparents, who grew up with very little money and had to make do and mend

15. A complete 360

-Some people find it frustrating to have to wait a long time to see a doctor. You'd think they would be a little more considerate given that the doctors do have other patients. But for some people, just being in a doctor's office is a different experience

-The person who donated this story has an extra reason to smile. She survived childhood cancer and grew up to work as a nurse in the very same hospital where other doctors and nurses worked hard to save her

16. What's important to you?

-An interesting thought to have: if your house was suddenly on fire, and you only had time to grab one thing, what would it be? Whatever you choose will tell a lot about you and what you choose to prioritize

-It's both sad and sweet. It's sad because his home is a smoking ruin. It's sweet because he chose his cat as the most important item in the world. He doesn't care if he's temporarily homeless, as long as he has his cat, he's content

17. When can we see each other again?

-Social media can be used for all the wrong reasons. Cyber bullying. Spreading misinformation. It's rare when people use social media for good reasons. And thankfully, when people do take to to social media for good reasons, we get to hear about them either on the news or we read them

-This woman, who went on a cruise with her family, had befriended another little girl and had lost touch over the years. She took to Twitter to see if she could find this girl. Years later, this girl reaches out and they meet up

18. A reason for joy

-Some people don't feel appreciated for various reasons. The person who donated this picture has a solution

-A rescue animal is always a good choice. Those dogs and cats want nothing more than absolute cuddles and love from people. Judging from the almost smile on that dog's face, they are in heaven with their new owner

19. A little kindness goes a long way

-A true measure of people is how they treat those who are beneath them. Many people treat people such as waiters/waitresses, cleaning staff, customer service, secretaries and more horribly because they are considered to be not worthy of respect or kindness

-Whether people realize it or not, janitors are real people. This janitor is grateful that someone became his friend, all through the simple act of having a cup of coffee with him. Unfortunately, with some janitorial staff, they're not always nice, even if you show them kindness. In those situations, simply kill them with kindness

20. A brainy pair

-How some careers pay more and some pay less, there's a disconnect somewhere. The vitally important jobs such as medicine, airline crew, etc., don't get paid well while entertainment careers pay exorbitant amounts of money for something like singing, playing instruments or throwing/kicking a ball around. There's a serious disconnect somewhere

-These two surgeons look like rugs-they're beat. I would be too if I just completed a 32 hour surgery. They just finished a high risk surgery and yet they don't get paid too well. While athletes get paid millions just for throwing/kicking a ball around, driving a racecar or musicians get paid to play instruments and sing

21. Canine compassion

-Whether people acknowledge it or not, animals understand grief and loss. They get sad too. Animals can grieve over the loss of someone they care about

-One would think that with one animal out of the way, it's more food for them. But clearly this dog misses their sibling and still carries on the tradition of saving food for them

22. Gotta Catch 'Em All

-This is a phrase usually uttered by fans of the anime program Pokemon. There are fans all over the world dedicated to this anime program

-It's the thought that counts. Even if this mom doesn't do any kind of art, she at least made an effort for her son's 21st birthday. Good for her

23. By the power vested in me

-These words are usually uttered by someone ordained and finishing a wedding service. Sometimes people do matching outfits because they have a goofy, fun loving personality

-This family seems all too happy to match. And that is just adorable

24. I Wanna Hold Your Hand

-One of the more popular songs by British pop group The Beatles, in this particular case, talking to strangers can create an interesting memory

-This person had a stranger holding their hand and now they'll have a hilarious memory to cherish

25. Be honest about something you don't know

-It's completely okay to ask for help or ask questions when you don't know. It's not good to assume you know everything when in reality you don't have a clue

-Not only does admitting that you may not know something make you more honest, it models the people around you to do the same. Be honest when you don't know something. It's completely okay to tell them that you are unsure of something and that you can do some research to get accurate information

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