Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Heart-Warming Stories That Put a Little Faith Back in Humanity Pt II

Anymore, all we hear are negative stories on the news and read them on the internet. But how often do we get to read stories where someone else thinks of others before themselves? Stories of people helping one another? It's not too often. Here are some good stories of others helping others.

26. For the people in the back

-There's a fine line between being safe and being nice. If you're a woman, that line is even finer. Women are on constant alert from being victims of violence, from both strangers and people we know

-If prioritizing your own personal safety means alienating people, who think you're a queen B, then clearly, you don't need those negative influences in your life. Safety is always more important than how someone feels if you put your safety above their feelings. Follow your intuition, instincts and gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Your gut instinct will hardly ever lead you astray

27. Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman

-Photoshop from Adobe can be used for all sorts of things. It can be used by professional graphic designers to create artwork and more. It can also be used by us everyday people for various reasons. It's tricky at first to learn, but when you start getting the hang of it, the possibilities are endless

-Clearly this parent is overjoyed with the program Photoshop

28. Stress Test

-Not everyone retains memory about stuff. If you're learning a foreign language, you can't just pull out your notes every time you need to know to say something. Or if you are in some other job, you can't just pull out your notes

-In some situations, what really matters is where to look for the info, not whether you can reel it off from the top of your head

29. Beautiful diversity

-In almost every office in the world, you'll often deal with or work with someone who is different. Whether it be a different culture, different religion, different sexuality, etc. It seems like in years past, people have become far less tolerant about things. In fact, pre 9/11, you hardly had a lot of issues regarding those who were Muslim or different. In fact, there were hardly any issues at all; we all seemed to get along far better. After 9/11, it seems that almost everyone who was Muslim was seen as "the enemy", just like those of Japanese descent were seen in the 1940s, during WWII. Now that 9/11 is over, everyone seems to people into groups based on this fact or that

-It's incredibly beautiful to see that coworkers came together to buy something for this employee, who happens to be Muslim. They banded together to buy a beautiful prayer mat and a beautiful box to put it in so he can do his daily prayers. Even the box has a uniquely beautiful Middle Eastern touch to it. That's how you show diversity successfully

30. Doggone

-Some say it's silly to mourn the loss of a pet because it's just an animal. Animals are more than that. They provide companionship, someone to adore and love and love you right back. Pets are members of our family. They're goofy, have unique personalities and we grow attached to their quirkiness, whether it be a childhood pet or a pet you get later on. When they pass on to that great land above, it's hard to get over their loss. Sometimes, adults still mourn the loss of their pets

-I hope that this is true. That when we get to Heaven, our beloved animal friends are waiting there for us, waiting for one more game of fetch, one more round of meowing or playing with yarn or chirping or other stuff other pets do

31. Romantic cooking

-Movies often skew the idea of being romantic. They make it seem so easy. That all it takes is some romantic mood and cooking to woo someone. But, everyone who is in a relationship has a different take on "romantic cooking" or "romance" in a relationship

-Being married is tough, but as long as you both get through the tough times together, there's going to be everlasting love, laughs and more

32. A proud father

-Not everyone is so supportive of their kids if they come out as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. It's something that a lot of people are still getting used to-the idea of their son or daughter liking either the same sex or both sexes. But, thankfully, a lot of parents are realizing that they love their children, no matter what. That who they love is not important; as long as they are happy

-Here is a strongly supportive dad supporting his daughter, who just married a woman. Clearly he supports his daughter and her partner

33. Following the rules

-Shepherd dogs are usually used to round up sheep and other livestock. These dogs are incredibly intelligent, follow orders to the T, understand commands from the humans who care for them, they understand what their job is. They even understand where to lead the creatures they look after

-You almost can't be mad because you're too busy laughing. Clearly this dog did its job well. The only downside is that the sheep didn't belong to that farmer. They were just random sheep from local areas

34. A cute little prodigy

-Raccoons are smarter than people give them credit for. Yes, they are one of the highest carriers of rabies, but aside from that, they are cute little intelligent creatures capable of anything

-The best thing ever about this is the look of joy and happiness on that little raccoon's face. You could stare at that for hours and just be so proud of that cute little raccoon

35. Everybody everywhere

-It's funny that the things we remember as kids stick with us forever

-This little song helped people clean up and at least enjoy doing it

36. Bed buddy

-A lot of people have a strict rule about no dogs in bed. For some, that lasts all of five minutes. For some that means what it sounds like-no furry critters in the bed. For this woman, clearly her pooch keeps her company when her boyfriend is not home

-It's often comforting to know your furry friend is there

37. Happy Ending

-Something you normally only find in movies and books, this is something you rarely see in real life. It's one of those "once in a blue moon", rare type situations

-This guy was able to successfully say he had cancer and also beat it in the same screen shot

38. A snake Rocking out

-Community art projects are meant to bring communities together and brighten someone's day. Clearly the inventor of this community art project hit it out of the park with their rock snake

-This is a cute idea for a community art project

39. Boyfriend of the Year Award

-Taking criticism without getting defensive is hard. But with some people, they take criticism and turn it into positivity

-This guy is avoiding the knee jerk reaction of anger and defense and trying to do better

40. A Beautiful Helmet

-People say appearance is everything. Unfortunately, in this world we live in, appearances also encourage judgement of others. Everyone gets judged on their appearance "too fat", "too thin", "too pale", "too dark", "too" anything. When it comes to construction workers, these men and women are tough as nails and would never do something to make themselves look less than tough

-This construction worker has two daughters who felt they needed to decorate their dad's hard hat. It's almost as if he put his daughters' happiness and entertainment above what others think about that

41. A+ Shirts

-Wearing matching shirts is cheesy in some people's eyes. It can also be cute and even hilarious

-If it's older couples wearing matching shirts, it's both cute and hilarious. It's even more hilarious if it has a silly pun on it

42. Dogs in Hats

-Sometimes it's the little things in life that bring the most smiles. Animals are one thing that everyone can agree on making them smile.

-It seems that dogs in hats make people smile a lot

43. Let yourself enjoy things

-Life is too short to waste time on things. We have so little time on this planet, that we should enjoy the things we have and the time we have on this planet

-It's all about enjoying all that life has to offer while we're here

44. Couples who slay together, stay together

-There are times when you look at couples and think "You were definitely made for each other". And that gives you hope that everyone can find someone. You just have to look a little harder than others sometimes

-Clearly she knows someone who gives out giant swords upon graduating university

45. Bad dates

-It's almost a stereotype that men forget anniversaries. As for bad dates, a lot of people have had them. But in our modern world, where everyone, including young children, have smartphones, there's always a way to remember something

-This gentleman had a momentary slip of memory. He didn't know you could put an anniversary on the calendar and set it to repeat the same day each year. A woman at this person's company was on top of the situation and seen to it that it was taken care of

46. Kind words

-All it takes are some kind words to put a smile on someone's face. It's even better when you encounter a military vet and tell them something like "thank you for your service to the country" or "cool hat" if it's a veteran-related hat. And sometimes social media can be used for good. Like posting a good natured story that warms hearts and brings smiles. While the other side of that coin involves posting something that might seem a little controversial and suddenly you're in a hurricane of crazy

-Sometimes, you get kind words from people you don't know or people you don't expect. In this case, a local Orthodox priest. Sometimes, social media can bring about good things. And you get support from people when you least expect it

47. Checkmate

-It's way too easy to get caught up in our own lives. We get caught up in the hustle and bustle of going to work, coming home from work, cooking dinner, getting ready to go to bed only to repeat the process the next day. You can break that cycle. Change things up. You can do things like make connections in your community

-If you saw this guy at a mall, it wouldn't hurt to ask if it's okay to sit down to a game of chess with him. He probably makes this a habit to clear his mind or maybe he came there with someone so long and they passed away and he keeps up the tradition

48. What's in a name?

-Scientists have been naming creatures after pop culture icons for generations. It's nothing new

-Clearly the unique names scientists give creatures shows they do have a sense of fun. They just have to be a bit business when it comes to their job. But that doesn't mean they can't have fun on the job

49. Crazy Cats

-Cats are interesting creatures. They sneak up on you like little furry ninjas. They have built in weapons. And also, they're very cuddly and they know when you're not feeling well. They'll make sure they're there to soothe your pains away, and of course, get cuddles in the process

-Cats do make interesting noises as well

50. What a crochet

-True love can be defined in so many ways by so many couples. Some couples think true love is wearing matching outfits. Some couples think true love is being able to read the other's mind. Sometimes true love is even making sacrifices for yourself or your wife/husband or boyfriend/girlfriend

-The fact that this man's wife loves to crochet and he is in full support of her hobby shows true love there

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