Thursday, August 15, 2024

30 Things Considered Normal to Americans But Unusual to Others

America is certainly an interesting region of the world. We may not have buildings as old as those found in many European countries, but we have quirky customs and traditions that may seem strange to those from other countries. According to the Microsoft channel Metro, here are 30 things considered normal for Americans.

1. Toilet bowls full of water

-It's certainly interesting that when you go to other countries, you see that toilets are not so full. The water level is low. And in other parts of the world, it's even said that the water going down goes counter clockwise instead of clockwise. It's said that the fuller the bowl of water, the more powerful the flush. In many parts of the world, the toilet bowl is only half filled with water

2. Driving long distances

-The US is big. There is a lot of space in this country. Places can be very far from each other. Those not native to the US are often confused by the amount of distance from one place to another. So, for example, if someone from a big US state, like California or Texas, might think nothing of a four hour road trip, this would confuse or even horrify someone from say, Europe or Asia

3. Having garbage disposal units under the sink

-In the US, it's common to scrape dinner and meal leftovers into the sink, run water and run it into an under the sink garbage disposal unit. This frightens people outside the US because their first thought is "What if you get your hand stuck in there?"

4. Drinking root beer

-This is an appalling drink to some. It's an acquired taste, like many foods and drinks out there

5. Friendly service staff

-Those who come from other countries are often thrown off by how friendly service staff can be. In Europe, it's said that service staff are less friendly and more quiet and laid back. In the US, service staff are genuinely happy to see customers. It's strongly believed that this friendly nature coincides with the strong tipping culture Americans are known for, especially outside of the US (Americans are often the ones doing the most tipping on trips. It's a way of showing appreciation for good service)

6. Eating sweet things for breakfast

7.The US is a strange nation sometimes. Whereas other countries might have fruit or something for breakfast, the US is a nation where pancakes with syrup, Pop Tarts or sugary cereal are the norm. Most Europeans prefer light, flaky pastries as their breakfast of champions. And in England, items for breakfast can include sausage or bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans, etc.

7. Talking openly with strangers

-Some people in other countries are not always so open when it comes to talking with strangers. Some people in the US talk with any person they come into contact with. Some cultures consider this overfamiliarity and only talk with family and close friends

8. Wearing shoes in homes

-This is especially a no no in most Asian countries. It's customary to take off your shoes prior to entering one's home, so as to avoid bringing in dirt and other filth from outside. It's considered respectful in Asian culture while in European culture, it's related to politeness and cleanliness

9. Cheerleaders

-People from outside the US don't understand why there has to be people cheering on sporting events. A group of overly cheery girls waving pom poms before a sporting event baffles those from outside the US

10. Entrees prior to the main meal

-Since this is a French word, they get the credit. It's a meal before a meal. It's anyone's guess why it's referred to as this in the US.

11. Pharmacies practically being supermarkets

-In some countries, pharmacies are literally that- selling only medications and medical related items. In the US, some pharmacies sell more than that-they are little supermarkets. Some major chains, like CVS and Walgreens, are practically supermarkets. And if you notice, they're always on corners.

12. Red cups

-This is a covert, discreet way of telling people that you're most likely drinking an alcoholic beverage. These are most often seen at sporting events, concerts and more. These cups are often available in most parts of the world, but they are not used in the way Americans use them. Foreigners would use these as cups to drink things from, not like Americans who secretly drink alcohol from them. They are most often seen being used by those really into country music, most likely because of the song "Red Solo Cup" by country artist Toby Keith

13. Consuming so much coffee

-Coffee is the drink that gives most of us the get up and go to do what we have to do each day. Those who are native to the US are shocked by how many people walk around drinking large cups of coffee. Especially those who come from countries where tea might be consumed more than coffee

14. Too much sugar in bread

-It's something you don't think about, but bread does have sugar in it. The sugar helps preserve the bread. If you're not used to it, it can taste odd. Those who are not from the US might find it odd

15. Obsession with national flags

-One thing that those not native to the US will notice about Americans is the high level of patriotism. There seems to be an almost obsession with the stars and stripes. There's not one thing wrong at all with that. The US is a fiercely proud and patriotic nation and proud to fly the flag

16. Dates starting with month, not day

-The date starting with day, then month is something usually done outside the US. It's especially done in Europe and also done in Mexico. This can throw off people when they have to fill out the immigration papers on the airplane upon entering Mexico because they ask for the date in this format. If you're not from America, it can be an eye opener to see 15 August 2024 instead of 8/15/2024. This is what some would call the "European" format for dates

17. Free soda refills

-The US is one country that offers free refills of drinks. In other parts of the world, you have to pay for refills. In the US, soda is a highly consumed drink. This is an eye opener, especially to Europeans who are used to small size bottles of cola and have to pay for each one

18. So much ice in drinks

-Ice in drinks is something you will not find everywhere. In Europe or other parts of the world, drinks will have 1-2 ice cubes, not half of an iceberg in drinks like you find in the US

19. Money being all the same color

-In many parts of the world, currency comes in various colors, depending on the denomination it is. US currency is all green and has various presidents on it, depending on the denomination

20. Frequent commercial breaks

-In the US, there are frequent commercial breaks. For every half hour of show, there are about 6-8 minutes worth of commercials. Those not native to the US will find it shocking that not only is there is a high frequency of commercials, but they are shown in the middle of the program. Whereas in other countries, commercials are usually shown at the beginning or end of the program

21. Commercials for prescription medications

-This is something you would not see much of in other countries. A lot of people from outside the US find it confusing as to why prescription medications would need to be advertised

22. Big portions of food

-This is a pretty commonly eye opening concept to those from outside the US. In other countries, portions of food are smaller. It seems in the US "more is good", "bigger is better" are two concepts that are followed religiously, including portions of food. This is exactly why America is stereotyped as being a nation of obesity and why Americans are stereotyped as being overweight

23. Healthcare is high on price

-Healthcare in the US is ridiculous in price. Some think that maybe that is an incentive to get healthier. Who knows. Every country has healthcare set up differently. Visitors to the US are shocked to find how there is free healthcare for those on limited budgets

24. Having barely any public transport

-Japan, Australia and many places in Europe have amazing forms of transport. The US is quite limited in its infrastructure, despite its size. Some cities don't have a wide array of bus stops or train lines. And unless you have a car, you're going to have to walk or bicycle yourself to places

25. Lack of politeness

-This is something that is shocking to those from outside the US. Americans get to the point and do away with niceties, streamlining their conversations, as if they are on a schedule and pleasantries would not fit into their schedules. This is regarded as rudeness, especially to the English

26. Tax not factored in to price tags

-In most places, you go into a shop and see a price tag for an item and see the price. Taxes have already been applied to that item. Not so much in the US. You get tax added on top. And, sometimes, there's state tax. Which is why it's cheaper to go outside of the state you live in to buy items 

27. Sports

-Americans are a type of people who seem to be obsessed with sports. Almost every city in the US has multiple sports teams, whether it be an MLB (Major League Baseball) team, NFL (National Football League) team, NHL (National Hockey League) team or MLS (Major League Soccer) team. Some cities have all of these, including smaller league teams like ECHL (East Coast Hockey League) or "minor league hockey" teams. Not everyone from outside the US gets into sports. Japan is a nation that reveres baseball. In fact, a lot of Japanese league players end up on American teams. But in other countries, football is not that popular. In England, American football is popular. But when locals say "football", they are talking about what Americans call "soccer"

28. Using the imperial system

-The metric system was adopted to use for weights and measures. Some countries took a little longer to pick up that system. Some countries, like the US, flat out refuse to use the metric system

29. Tipping culture

-It might seem strange to other countries, but in the US, people tip to show their appreciation. That's often why Americans get served ahead of everyone else at all-inclusive resorts. Americans are often served first at bars because they tip. In some countries, the workers are already making good money so that tips are not necessary while in other countries, tipping is considered offensive

30. Having a low vacation allowance at work

-Most employers in the US provide two weeks vacation time after a so-called "probationary" period, usually lasting three months. Some employers provide two weeks vacation right at the beginning while in the UK, it's more than double that number

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