Friday, August 16, 2024

"American Tourist" Stereotypes

Whether people realize it or not, American tourists can often be stereotyped. No matter where they go, people will be able to easily spot an American, according to certain stereotypes. According to a writer named Caroline McDonald on Microsoft, American tourists can sometimes fall into stereotypes without realizing it. Here's how to avoid doing just that.

I've witnessed the "American Tourist" stereotype the many times I've gone outside the country. And I agree with a lot of these. If I'm loud, I do apologize. It's a habit from having a grandmother who was hard of hearing in one ear, completely deaf in the other. I try to be as conscious as I can of these stereotypes. If anything, I love hearing all of the different languages and accents when I travel outside the US

Definition of "American Tourist" stereotype

-According to CNN, the definition is what might seem like a silly error on someone's part on TV is less than amusing in real life. Everyone makes mistakes while traveling abroad, but some Americans seem to find themselves making a lot of errors

-Here's how to avoid those stereotypes

Be aware of social customs

-Each country has rules and regulations and social customs that its citizens follow. If you observe what others around you are doing, you stand a better chance of avoiding errors. Be aware of your behavior while in another country. According to CNN "People in most countries are extremely polite. They would never tell you that what you are doing is offensive or socially unacceptable. Instead, they will most likely smile and nod, before quickly changing the topic, running away or ghosting you."

Be curious

-Curiosity may have killed the cat, according to the old phrase. But when in another country, curiosity is a wondrous thing. Show a genuine interest in the culture, people and country you're in. Ask the locals what to do to avoid making errors. You'll be surprised when they tell you what to do. Be open to feedback. Ask questions. Let your curiosity guide you

-Per CNN "No one likes a know-it-all. That's why one of the best ways to win people over and skyrocket your knowledge is to be curious."

Don't be loud

-For this, you may as well hang a sign around your neck saying "I'm American". Americans are often stereotyped as being loud, brash, arrogant. Not all American tourists are like that, thankfully. But there is a small sprinkling of tourists from the US that are loud that give everyone else a bad rep. Speak in soft tones when outside the US.

Understatement is a good thing

-Per the highly successful Fodor's Travel, don't overestimate things. Americans tend to use terms like "fabulous", "amazing", generally overestimating things. Tone it down several notches and say things like "nice", "good", understatements are better.

-Enthusiasm is good, but other countries find it awkward

Compartmentalize your appearance

-Europe is considered a nation of high fashion, especially because of cities like Paris, London, Milan. Don't have a panic attack about what clothing you take or wear. According to Fodor's Travel, keep in the mind the purpose of your destination to choose appropriate clothing. "Gym clothes are for the gym, beach clothes are for the beach, trekking gear is for trekking, and so on."

-Basically, don't stick out. Wear clothes appropriate for the destination in mind

Research Before You Go

-Research is always a good thing. Some nations are very conservative. And some nations will only answer in the national language, obviously. It would help to learn a few phrases in that language prior to going there. This will be a great help when asking for directions, ordering food, greeting others. People will greatly appreciate the efforts you put into learning their language. They even appreciate when you ask them what a word is in their language and how to use it because it shows them that you took the time to learn their language and are trying to make sure you use it correctly

-Stay updated on the goings on in that destination. Research prices for food, lodging, transportation and more to avoid getting scammed

Have an "ambassador" attitude

-Whenever someone travels outside their home country, they are essentially an ambassador for their country. In other words, they are just one representative of many from their country and how you behave can negatively impact others from your country when they go outside their home country. When people travel outside their home country, they are a guest in another country. According to CNN "You are a guest. Like any good visitor, you want to make sure you make a positive impression so that you are always welcomed back."

-Do not make errors and sacrifice the hospitality so you can make bad decisions

Make the initial joke

-Jokes and comical stuff always win people over. As long as it's not offensive jokes, you'll be fine. If saying something stupid is your biggest worry, make the initial joke. Be confident and say "Sorry, I know I'm being a stupid American here, but could you help me with this?" or something to that effect. This puts a bit of reverse psychology into the mix

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