It's not even 2020 yet and already predictions are being made as to who will be inducted into these "hallowed" halls. I only use the air quotes because the people who make the decision as to who gets in and who does not must not know music. Sometimes I do not understand their thinking process
Each year, the nomination committee goes through an extensive list of people that deserve to be in there in addition to musicians who have been around long enough to warrant interest. Sometimes, though, good musicians slip by unnoticed. To be eligible for this honor, a musician must be around for at least 25 years after their first album was released. But there are questions that have people scratching their heads each time. "Is commercial success worth more than one's influence on other artists? Does a band's longevity play a role in HOF credentials?"
Here is what
Ultimate Classic Rock is predicting for the 2020 inductions. They have been broken down into Newly Eligible and Eligible
Newly Eligible
-1994 saw their debut album Definitely Maybe skyrocket on to the charts. Then along comes 1995's (What's the Story) Morning Glory and it completely obliterates the charts. Fans of theirs in England described the hype surrounding them as being a bit like Beatlemania, a band who Oasis is said to have respect for and an obsession with. Unfortunately, there was infighting inside the band. Brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher fought incessantly and because of that, their last show was in 2009, when the band called it quits. Even then, the brothers Gallagher were still fighting. Perhaps their induction will force a truce?
-This very unheard of by some band is being considered for induction. Formed in 1994 in Olympia, Washington, this all female band is definitely among one of the many all girl bands. Their music was strongly influenced by punk and lyrics surrounding the topic of feminist issues, with energetic live shows. They took a nine year hiatus and returned with 2015's No Cities to Love
-This is a alternative band through and through. The reason behind their longevity is that they write consistently good songs and they are successful. Their debut album was one that was eagerly anticipated throughout the 1990s. Since their 1994 formation, the band has 23 songs on the Top Alt-Rock Charts. Of course, unlike some bands, these guys have a near punishing tour schedule. They are pretty high up on the newly eligible chart, up near #1 probably.
-These guys might not be everyone's cup of tea, but they are successful none the less. They might be metal, but when singer Jonathan Davis does a slow song and it gives you chills, that's when you know and realize just how good a singer he is. Any singer can go from screaming to ballads, but it takes real talent to go from near screamo metal to singing a low voice to a slow ballad like he does. Despite the fact that nu-metal is the black sheep of the metal family, the source of jokes among metal fans, calling it "not metal" and other like-minded insults and its success going down in years past, the genre had an upturn around the peak of the new millennium. These guys took all that metal stood for-screaming guitars, heavy drums and aggressive singing-and turned it up to 20, giving them their own sound. They are also one of the many bands who can successfully combine genres together to be even more successful. They have managed to combine hip-hop and rock, with people like DMX, Ice Cube, Method Man.

Notorious B.I.G.
-Normally, a lot of people don't think rap should be here. But, for someone like him, the reason is probably he was one of the bigger innovators of rap music, who knows. When Tupac Shakur was inducted in 2017, despite his passing, they also felt it was their duty to nominate him. Shakur and Biggie were inseparable. They got caught up in the ironically coined "Coastal Rap Wars", coined to a time when there was an explosion of rap music from both the East and West coasts. Despite only releasing two albums- 1994's Ready to Die and 1997's Life After Death, both went platinum. Tragically, Shakur and Biggie were killed only months apart. It seems ironic that the two albums Biggie did make almost seem to foreshadow his passing with their names. Something not everyone knows is that the Notorious B.I.G. (birth name Christopher Wallace) had brought rap/hip-hop culture to the forefront. Although what would make his honorary induction even more special is if the induction ceremony took place in his hometown of Brooklyn, New York instead of Cleveland, Ohio

Foreigner (Eligible since 2002)
-This band has seen more lineup changes than any other band. There are theories about why they don't get inducted. One common one among fans is that the music hall looks down on arena-rock bands that became famous in the 1970s and 1980s. While bands like Def Leppard, Bon Jovi and Journey have been inducted, Foreigner continues to sit outside like bad kids waiting for a lecture from the principal. They have been eligible since 2002, with a success that almost no one can match. They are one of the Top 50 Best Selling Artists of All Time. Their music is constantly reaching new generations of fans who were not even around when they became popular. Will 2020 be their year?
Iron Maiden (Eligible since 2004)
-OH PLEASE, OH PLEASE LET THEM GET IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
-These guys have been around since 1975. Their live shows put other bands to shame. Despite the fact their music NEVER gets played on the radio, fans still gush about how much they love the men of Maiden. These guys have set records no other band has been able to accomplish or beat. Maiden has done concerts in some of the most far-reaching corners of the world. They have been eligible since 2004, but what might be holding them back from the hallowed halls is a snub made by vocalist Bruce Dickinson, whose words included "an utter and complete load of bollocks. It's run by a bunch of sanctimonious bloody Americans who wouldn't know rock 'n' roll if it hit them in the face." His overall disinterest in the hall of fame has people worried. He has even claimed that "if you put [music] in a museum, then it's dead." Despite their singer's strong opinions, fans are still rallying for the famous East Enders to make it in there. And if they do, fans and even the band's famed mascot Eddie will be celebrating!

Doobie Brothers (Eligible since 1996)
-This is a long time to be eligible and still not make it in. WTF? These guys are considered to be one of the most successful bands to combine easy rock and harmonies. It doesn't matter what age you are, anyone can quickly become a fan of these easy-listening guys. With so many great songs out there getting radio airplay, it's shocking to think these guys are not in there already. Hopefully 2020 sees this band getting in!
Motorhead (Eligible since 2002)
-I'm not even a fan of Motorhead and I'm rallying for these guys to get it!
-This band is like no other. They live like gypsies, moving around so much from place to place on tour. Their energetic stage shows, gravelly-voiced vocalist/bassist singing about promiscuous sex, gambling and addictions have fans rallying for the men of Motorhead to enter these halls. These guys have successfully blended punk with metal, a feat no one thought was possible or should be possible! The albums that took them to the tops of the metal charts included Ace of Spades, Overkill, Bomber. Over the years, they have released 22 chart-topping albums and with each day that passes, new generations of fans are discovering these breakneck guitar-shredding legends. These guys have a lot going for them. For one thing, former Nirvana drummer but current Foo Fighters guitarist/frontman Dave Grohl is on the nomination committee in addition to Metallica guitarist/frontman James Hetfield. Both are strongly lobbying for Motorhead to enter. With the death of bassist/frontman Ian Fraser Kilmister aka "Lemmy" Kilmister in 2015, this only shined the spotlight on this band and why they were not here. With both Hetfield and Grohl on the nomination committee, it's a strong and certain fact that these guys should be getting in!!

Judas Priest (Eligible since 1999)
-Most artists nowadays have an "I don't care" attitude towards the rock and roll hall of fame. Judas Priest has made no secret of their desire to get in, especially front man Rob Halford. "Personally, I would love it. I think we deserve it. We put 10,000 hours in and more - and beyond that, we just feel that heavy metal deserves more space in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." He said this after learning of the band's rejection in 2017. The writing is on the wall - with over 50 million albums sold worldwide, hugely successful world tours and the mind-blowing amounts of bands who are inspired by them, it's no small feat to accomplish. Not only that, but the Judas Priest fanbase is probably the biggest one out there lobbying for the leather-clad legends to get in!
Nine Inch Nails (Eligible since 2014)
-I honestly thought these guys were already in
-These guys are said to be the innovators of industrial rock. 2014 was the year they officially became eligible. They've sold millions of albums, done countless world tours and have a rabid fan base, it's no wonder these guys are being considered. Their 1989 album Pretty Hate Machine and 1994's The Downward Spiral are considered to be their most influential albums to this day. Trent Reznor has, to this day, been considered an inspiration by people such as David Bowie, Alice Cooper and Peter Gabriel. Unfortunately, like the case of Iron Maiden, where front man Bruce Dickinson snubbed the hall, NIN front man Trent Reznor repeated the same issue in 2018. He stated he couldn't "honestly give a shit" about the hall of fame
King Crimson (Eligible since 1994)
-These guys are one of the more well-known progressive rock bands. One of their greatest and most well known albums is In the Court of the Crimson King. These guys are virtual unknowns in the US because you'll never hear their songs on the radio. They've never had an album reach platinum status. They've never headlined any major festivals. For them, R&R HOF induction is more about musical impact and less about commercial success. These guys have had some major inspiration on bands that have come to be known as their contemporaries-Rush, Genesis and Yes. And even recent bands such as Tool, Mastodon and The Flaming Lips will even mention these guys played heavily into creating their own sounds. If the hall of fame wants innovative musicians, look no further than King Crimson!
Todd Rundgren (Eligible since 1995)
-This guy is certainly unusual in his music. His music can't just be put in one box. His music is a combination of various genres. Over the course of his career, he has released 25 under his own name, 9 with a band called Utopia and 3 connected to a 60's-era band called Nazz. And in addition to being a great musician, he's also helped produce albums for some of music's biggest names, such as The Band, Grand Funk Railroad, Hall and Oates, Cheap Trick, XTC. His induction would be one of the more interesting ones.
Warren Zevon (Eligible since 1994)
-Is it strange and/or I'm the only person that thought he was black because of his singing voice?
-His best known hit is the 1978 song "Werewolves of London". He released twelve studio albums, starting with 1976's self-titled debut. He's had a dozen or more musicians guest on his albums, including Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks, Bonnie Raitt, Glenn Frey and Don Henley. So IDK about you, but I do believe this man deserves an induction, don't you think?
"Weird Al" Yankovich (Eligible since 2004)
-This guy certainly lives up to his name. He's not known for doing regular songs. No, he's known for parodying songs. And it's sometimes hilarious to the point of crying from laughter. A lot will say that his success has come from parodying other songs, but he does have some original work laying around. I certainly think he deserves a shot at induction.