Life is what happens when you are making other plans~ John Lennon
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind~Gandhi
The time is always right to do what is right~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What classic metal band suits you?

We all might like or love metal. Who knows. We all have those certain metal bands that we love and support no matter what. Time to see What classic metal band suits you?

First of all, left wing or right wing?
-F*** politics

Favorite instrument?
-Hammond organ
-Everything combined
-I like instrumental parts

If someone punches you first, what would you do?
-Vengeance is for the weak
-I'll just shake it off; I can handle it
-Kill the jerk
-Punch back as hard as possible

Pick a lyric
-Before you see the light, you must die
-Poisoning their brainwashed minds
-Roll out your circus freaks and hula hoops
-I'm your source of self-destruction
-Don't I believe there is never an end?
-Sworn to avenge, condemned to hell
-Come back here, it's not over

What's the meaning of life?
-To love and be loved
-To enjoy life
-To die
-To break the rules
-To gain knowledge and wisdom
-To try and get the best out of it
-Become successful

Choose wisely
-Beware the beast
-There's no hurry
-Chaos rampant
-Nothing's free
-Exit light
-Don't waste your time
-Heavy boots of lead

My answers
-F*** politics
-I'll just shake it off; I can handle it
-Don't I believe there is never an end?
-To enjoy life
-There's no hurry

I apparently belong in...
Deep Purple
-No no no, where is the jazz, the blues, the real feel? You like to take your time and do things slowly. You like classic rock, but you don't mind going absolutely fucking crazy on hard rock. Actually, you prefer hard music. Yes, life indeed isn't always fun or fair and that has to change. However, it doesn't have to be dark and sinister all the time. Life is to be enjoyed too!

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