Life is what happens when you are making other plans~ John Lennon
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind~Gandhi
The time is always right to do what is right~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Behaviors That Shock Americans in Europe

Europe is a popular destination for a lot of people, especially Americans. People from the US have various reasons for wanting to visit countries in Europe, whether it be a certain site because of their favorite band, or because of the history or architecture. It could be a music festival or theme park. One thing to keep in mind is, obviously, you're in another country. Things are going to be radically different there than back home. Here are some behaviors that, according to Microsoft, shock Americans.

Different dining etiquette

-Not surprisingly, there's different etiquette to be used when dining overseas. This includes dining at later times, longer breaks during meals, using utensils differently

Etiquette on public transportation

-This includes patiently waiting your turn to board a bus or subway train. Don't cut in front of people. This is plain rude and impolite, no matter what country you're in. There are certain rules that must be respected on public transportation. There is etiquette regarding lines to board, seating, noise levels, etc.

Relaxed attitude towards alcohol

-It's culturally accepted and even common to openly consume alcoholic beverages in public spaces, such as parks in some European countries

Understanding the culture

-Each country has its own unique culture that makes it one of a kind. Americans will notice that there is a great sensitivity to that culture and will keep in mind to be respectful of the language, culture and traditions when engaging with the locals


-Not every country tips for service. Americans are the ones best known for tipping, which shows gratitude for good service. Some European countries have certain practices regarding tipping

Speaking like the locals

-While some countries do speak some English, it would be wise and also respectful to learn a few phrases in the local language. Don't assume that when you travel outside the US, that everyone will understand you. Learn a few phrases in the local language. You'll be surprised at the results. When you speak the local language, the locals will feel complimented that you took the time to their language. Even if you mispronounce something, it'll still be good and you can ask them how to pronounce it. Just learn the language to help you when engaging with the locals

Shopping habits

-Not surprisingly, countries outside of the US have different shopping practices. They might use markets to get their everyday essentials. Many people in Europe get what they need at markets, specialty shops and bakeries instead of frequenting large supermarkets, which people in the US tend to do.

Fashion and clothing

-This will be obvious. Outside the US, fashion trends are vastly different. Very rarely will you see someone venturing out into the world in their pajamas. Those outside of the US may dress differently or more formally, depending on the occasion

Cultural Differences

-Americans will notice differences in culture in Europe. This can vary from country to country, depending on what country you are in. What this means is, depending on where you go, you might see a local festival going on, a massive local even going on, something related to the major religion occurring

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