Life is what happens when you are making other plans~ John Lennon
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind~Gandhi
The time is always right to do what is right~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Shrek (2001)

This is one of those movies that all but takes a fairy tale and changes the rules on it for the better.
-In order to clear his swamp of all manner of fairytale creature, a grumpy ogre and a talking donkey embark on a quest to rescue a princess for a lord looking to become king

-Mike Myers: Shrek
-Eddie Murphy: Donkey
-Cameron Diaz: Princess Fiona
-John Lithgow: Lord Farquaad
-Vincent Cassel: Monsieur Hood
-Jim Cummings: Captain of Guards
-Chris Miller: Geppetto / Magic Mirror
-Kathleen Freeman: Old Woman
-Cody Cameron: Pinnochio / Three Pigs
-Conrad Vernon: Gingerbread Man

Did You Know?
-When Mike Myers originally did the voice over work for Shrek, he did it in his natural speaking voice. He felt it was missing something though. Initially, he tried country Canadian accents, but still felt it didn't work. Then he came up with the genius idea to do the voice over work in a Scottish accent like his mother used when reading bedtime stories to him as a child. Unfortunately, it cost over $4 million to do twenty sessions to complete this re-voiceover

-Douglas Rogers, the art director for the film, wanted Shrek's swamp to look like a southern plantation. He visited a magnolia plantation in Charleston, South Carolina and was chased by an alligator while there

-The song "I'm a Believer", which was covered by Smash Mouth for this movie, was specifically chosen because of the line "I thought love was only true in fairy tales"

-When recording her fight scenes with Robin Hood and his Merry Men, Cameron Diaz had become very physical. She had studied kung fu for her role in Charlie's Angels and at times started speaking Cantonese.

-Experts in medieval armor were brought in to help make the armor in the movie more realistic

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